World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
Strengthening family unity | Why pray?
On this feast day of St. James, the apostle, we hear a call echoing through the ages — a call to service, to love, to sacrifice. This call isn't just for priests or religious but for every one of us, especially within our families. Our families are the primary arena where this call is lived out, where our service and love have the most profound impact. In today's Gospel, we hear James and John misunderstanding Jesus' message. They sought positions of power and prestige, but Jesus gently corrected their vision. He taught them that true greatness lies not in ruling over others but in serving them.
Brothers and sisters in Christ, in today's world, families face countless challenges – from the busyness of modern life to the distractions of technology, from the pressure to conform to societal expectations to the struggles of maintaining faith amidst secularism. Yet, amidst these challenges, there's a beacon of hope, a model of love and resilience: the Holy Family. Pope Francis' Apostolic Exhortation, Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Love) begins with the statement, “The joy of love experienced by the families is also the joy of the Church.” He further states “Every family should look to the icon of the Holy Family of Nazareth.”
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
Today’s readings invite us to consider the surprising ways God reveals Himself. In the book of Isaiah, we encounter a powerful image of God's sovereignty over nations and rulers. Yet, amidst this powerful display, God's ultimate concern is for the humble and oppressed. This echoes the heart of today's Gospel, where Jesus praises His Father for revealing divine wisdom to the childlike.
Strengthening family unity | Why pray?
Imagine a family dinner. Laughter fills the room as stories are shared, connections are made. But what happens when the conversation stops? When the busyness of life pushes family time aside? Today's reading from Hosea speaks to that reality, a reality where families drift apart, not just from each other, but also from their faith.
Holy lives of inspiration | Learn more about our faith
Today, we celebrate the feast of St. Thomas the Apostle, a man whose journey of faith mirrors our own. Thomas, known for his initial skepticism, teaches us invaluable lessons about trust, doubt, and the transformative power of encountering Christ.
Love thy Neighbor | Strengthening family unity
Today's Gospel offers a powerful yet simple message: the Golden Rule. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." This isn't just an ancient saying; it's a cornerstone for Christian living, with the potential to transform our families and our world.