World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
When Lucille Ball died in 1989, they celebrated her funeral at Saint Monica’s in Santa Monica, California. Lucille Ball was a comedic genius who entertained millions of viewers weekly on 100 episodes of the “I Love Lucy” show. Whether she lit up the television screen stuffing her cheeks with chocolates on an assembly line, or brawling with an Italian peasant woman as they both turned from stomping grapes to stomping on each other - everyone fell in love with Lucy.
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In the first three Chapters of the Book of Genesis, we hear about the creation of the world and all things in it. The story of creation is not a documentary that yields an accurate historical or scientific data. It is a spiritual lesson in story form telling us as much about God as it does about creation. Please notice that there are two stories of creation.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
What do we know about Andrew? Haven’t we all known someone like him? On fire, zealous, impatient to tell good news to others? Every family seems to have someone like him. There are two accounts of Andrew’s call as an apostle by Jesus in the Gospels.
In the cable TV episodes of Inside the Actors’ Studio, James Lipton interviews actors, writers, and directors in Hollywood. He always ends the interview in the same way, by asking his guest this question: "If you believe that God exists, what do you think He will say when you finally see Him?" It’s a great question. In one episode he was interviewing one of the truly great film directors of all time, the legendary Steven Spielberg. Remember the movie, E.T. The Extraterrestrial? When Lipton asked Spielberg, "What do you hope God will say to you when you finally see Him?" Spielberg paused for a few moments, smiled, and said...
Father Norris Clark, A Jesuit priest from Fordham traveled to India to visit a Buddhist Monastery. During his visit, the abbot invited him to a meeting with several of the monks who spoke English. The Abbot said, "Obviously our two religions are very different but similar in their roots, in the depths of their essence."
Today, All Souls Day, is about praying for deceased relatives, friends, and other souls in purgatory. This is a particularly difficult homily to deliver for two reasons. First, it touches a topic most of us don’t like to hear about: death and what happens after. We know we can't avoid it. But most of us think if we don't talk about it, it won't happen, at least not for a long time.