Prayers for Family

World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

Samantha Stephenson

Samantha Stephenson is a Catholic author and homeschooling mother of 4. She hosts the podcast Mama Prays: Pursuing Holiness as a Catholic Mom and is the author of Reclaiming Motherhood from a Culture Gone Mad and the Mama Prays devotional. You can connect with her on Instagram or sign up to receive her Mama Prays Substack newsletter.

Blog Feature

Daily Family Prayer  |  Rosary with kids  |  how to pray the rosary

Family Prayer Routine with Small Children

Neither my husband nor I grew up Catholic, so we are sort of making up this Domestic Church thing as we go. Of course, we have great witnesses of Catholic family life that we can look to for examples, but not having lived it ourselves as children, sometimes imagining what that means just isn’t on our radar. One of these areas is family prayer. We both knew we wanted that to be an integral part of our children’s memories of growing up, an indispensable aspect of our family culture. But what does it look like? How do we start? Most importantly, how do we make it something joyful, something that draws our children’s hearts to Jesus rather than something they hem and haw about?

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