My small group of seventh graders never stopped talking as they clustered over the posterboard, hands scrabbling for a specific color marker for the lesson activity. As they began drawing or writing about the people or resources they rely on in their daily life that helps them stay focused on God and honoring His Commandments, I stood back a bit noticing the framed icon of our parish patron saint behind them on the wall watching over us.
Saint Angela Merici.
Before arriving at this parish over a decade ago, I knew nothing about Saint Angela, so it surprised me that when asked about a Holy Woman who inspired me in some way, hers was the first name to come to mind. Upon reflection, I recognized how this Holy Woman revealed herself to me quietly, behind the scenes, piece by piece over time, becoming an impressive influence on my spiritual growth.
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Feast Day
Saint Angela Merici was born in 1474 in Desenzano, Italy. Orphaned at the age of ten, she and her sister went to live with an uncle in Salo, where they lived a quietly devout life. After her sister, and then her uncle, died, Angela returned to her hometown.
The first personal connection I made with Saint Angela came about seven months after moving to my new house and parish. Early one Sunday morning, I sat with my mother across from my grandmother’s bed, each of us holding one of her hands as she passed away. A few hours later, I quietly slipped into Saint Angela Merici Church to meet my Sunday Mass obligation and receive Communion.
It was January 27, Saint Angela Merici’s feast day, and silent tears fell when I heard the pastor say she was the patron saint of those grieving the loss of parents. Not only was I freshly grieving, but before the Alzheimer’s robbed her memory, my grandmother prayed the Rosary every day for 65 years to honor her own mother’s early death from tuberculosis. I couldn’t stop thinking what a beautiful thing it was for them to be reunited on this day.
Called to Teach
After returning to Desanzano, Angela was distressed to find many young girls with no hope or education. She could have resigned herself to the way it was, but this future saint responded to the call of the Holy Spirit to do something. She opened her home to them and taught them faith, prayer, and the sacramental life.
Even though I worked full-time outside the home, I felt a growing responsibility of being more involved in my daughter’s religious education. I’d never attempted serving at the middle-school level and worried that students would challenge my own limited faith knowledge and experience. How could I teach middle-school students the Faith? However, I put my trust in the Holy Spirit and signed up.
Saint Angela, who devotedly taught the faith, taught me. At this parish, under her patronage, I came to be educated myself, learning through every lesson presented and small group conversation facilitated. In time I returned to Reconciliation and even participated in the team that guided both my daughters in their Confirmation. Leading small groups at Confirmation retreats, I also grew in knowledge and understanding.

Deep Faith. Devotion to God. Compassion for Others.
In 1535, Saint Angela founded the first teaching order dedicated to the education of young women. The Ursulines spread quickly throughout Italy and continues to the present day.
Known for her deep faith, devotion to God, and compassion for others throughout her life, Saint Angela is a role model for today’s young women striving to understand their place in the world and how to live a holy life. She devoted her life to bringing people to know and experience God in their everyday lives.
There are better known saints, more popular, more modern, more recent, that often catch our attention; however, Saint Angela Merici is one of those saints who waits in the wings, her presence never truly known — until years later you look back and see her quiet influence and gentle guidance, encouraging you in development and growth toward the Lord.

During Women's History Month, Catholic Mom writers are celebrating the women who have inspired their faith journeys — whether canonized saints, saints in progress, or beloved women from Scripture. Through personal reflections and heartfelt stories, they share how these holy women have touched their lives, offering wisdom, strength, and a deeper connection to God. Join us as we honor the spiritual legacy of these remarkable women and the lasting impact they continue to have on our hearts and souls.
Copyright 2025 Shelly Henley Kelly
Images: Holy Cross Family Ministries