World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
Venerable Patrick Peyton | family prayer | rosary novena
Please join our community around the world in praying this novena for your family and all families. We do this for nine days, finishing on Venerable Patrick Peyton's anniversary of birth on January 9. As we pray, we also thank God for Father Peyton's memory and his timeless message to all families, "The Family That Prays Together Stays Together."
Catholic Faith | family prayer
I have never attempted the St. Andrew Novena until this Advent season. The novena, traditionally started on St. Andrew’s feast day which is Nov. 30, actually runs for 25 days - Nov. 30-Dec. 24. Not only is this a longer than usual novena (novenas are usually nine days long), it is also a rather demanding novena. You pray the same prayer 15 times each day. I really wanted to spread the 15 times throughout the day, filling my whole day with prayer, rather than sitting down and saying the same prayer 15 times in one sitting. To accomplish this, I found a simple version of the prayer to put on my phone as a lock screen and had a counter widget that I could click to keep track of where I was during the day.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
celebration | feast-day | holy-family
It is always exciting to flip through photos on your phone, pick your favorites, send them to your family and friends, and share a smile (or two) about the joyful memories you had together. Today, just like our old photos, we recall the moments shared during Christmas week.
Learn more about our faith | Return to the Church | Seasonal Reflections
I am blessed to have served as a priest for 17 years in our Holy Cross ministries in Peru. I love Christmas in Peru. As night falls on Christmas Eve, a quiet settles, along with a sense of waiting. Christmas Eve Mass is celebrated around 10 p.m. The Churches are packed for beautiful celebrations as the feast begins, and people return to their homes, yet there is still a sense of waiting—until midnight!
Father Patrick Peyton | family prayer | rosary novena
There is no better way to start off the New Year than in prayer—as a family and for your family. As our ministry founder and sainthood candidate, Father Patrick Peyton, used to remind the world, "The family that prays together stays together." Take that to heart this year and what an amazing year it will be!
Christmas Season | St. Therese of Lisieux
"It was December 25, 1886, that I received the grace of leaving my childhood, in a word, the grace of my complete conversion...I felt charity enter into my soul, the need to forget myself and to please others; since then I've been happy!" —St. Therese