World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
Love thy Neighbor | Strengthening family unity
Today we celebrate the Feast of Saint Luke the Evangelist. He was a writer and physician who labored to portray for us in the Scriptures the gentleness and compassion of the Lord. He wrote several stories about Jesus healing the sick, or Jesus looking out for the poor and other kinds of people on the margins of society. Luke’s background as a physician certainly contributed to his special concern for the poor, the suffering, the outcasts, and women.
Month of the Rosary | how to pray the rosary | pray the rosary | spiritual benefits of the rosary
While prayer may not change our circumstances, it will often change our hearts. It brings us closer to God in a way that allows Him to comfort us, guide us, and occasionally reveal His will for us. At the very least, communication with God always brings peace.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
Holy lives of inspiration | Why pray?
Today’s gospel from Luke begins like in many family conversations, with someone interrupting, and probably like in our families, the topic quickly changes. It goes from Jesus trying to reassure the disciples about not fearing persecution for their faith to being on guard against the vice of greed.
Burdened with scrupulosity since childhood, Hillary Ibarra cultivates peace by walking and praying the Rosary.
As a young boy growing up, despite the many gifts and talents that I was blessed with, I often thought I was not good, capable, or loved. I grew up with a negative self-image until I met a priest who helped me to see myself as God sees me. He gave me a mantra and told me to repeat it three times a day.
Holy lives of inspiration | Learn more about our faith
Today’s Gospel and Fr. Leo’s homily from yesterday reminded me of the need to have patient trust in Jesus. The other day driving down a busy single-lane road, the car in front of me stopped to make a left turn, except it couldn’t because there was a long line, as far as I could see, of headlights streaming toward us, preventing that car from turning.