World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

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Jesus, How Many Times Must I Forgive? - Family Reflection Video

Jesus, how many times do I have to forgive someone if they have sinned against me? Peter was asking a question that many of us may have asked at one time or another in our lives. Consider yourselves blessed if you have never been hurt by what someone said or did to you. Peter was conflicted...

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God Lets Us Glimpse The Promise - Family Reflection Video

Father Adam Booth, C.S.C., Faculty Fellow in Theology at Stonehill College: "God grants Moses a great gift, but a partial one only. God takes Moses up a mountain and shows him the entirety of the Promised Land. And that’s an amazing gift: the intimacy with God it involved; the beauty of the view, I’m sure; and the fact that it represented a pledge that God makes good on promises. God’s People would have their own land, just as was promised them. But it was partial..."

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Saint Laurence, Model For Dads - Family Reflection Video

During a Roman Persecution, Pope Saint Sixtus II was martyred. Laurence was a deacon, the Pope’s right hand, and the treasurer - overseeing all the works of the Church to take care of the poor and suffering. Even knowing that the Emperor intended to decapitate the Church, and that they were after him too, he didn’t go into hiding. Rather he set himself to empty the church treasury and give all to the poor before he died! There’s a story that when he was being burned at the stake, he calmly said to his executioners: "Turn me over. I’m done on this side."

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Blog Feature

Love thy Neighbor

God Loves The Cheerful Giver - Family Reflection Video

An older man who collapsed on the street was brought to the nearby Hospital. The nurses found the address of a marine on a wrinkled paper in his wallet. Thinking that the marine was his son, the nurses called for him. When he arrived, the older man reached out his hands feebly. The marine took them and held them tenderly for the next four hours until the older man died. The marine then asked the nurses, "Who was he?" Stunned by his question, the nurses inquired, "Is he not your father?"

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Transformed into the Image and Likeness of Christ - Family Reflection Video

In his book, The Gospel of Matthew, Pope Francis commented on the passage of the Transfiguration of Jesus saying, "along with Peter, James, and John, we, too, climb the Mount of Transfiguration today and stop in contemplation of the face of Jesus to retrieve the message and translate it into our lives."

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'Blessed is the womb that carried You.' - Family Reflection Video

In the early centuries of the Church there were some very difficult times, as faithful believers tried to express what we really believe about Christ. Particularly, how to begin to grasp the meaning and put into words, that in Jesus, God comes to us, revealing that the One God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! How is Jesus both fully God and fully Man?

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