World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
Holy lives of inspiration | Why pray?
Robert Lee Fulghum, the American author, wrote: "A person who has profoundly disturbed my peace of mind for a long time is Mother Teresa. She doesn’t even know me, but she continually goes around minding my business…"
Return to the Church | Strengthening family unity | Why pray?
Every once and a while we celebrate a memorial that includes a Saint, like today’s, and that also includes their companions. This group of 120 martyrs included 33 European missionaries and 87 Chinese laypeople, who ranged from 9 to 76 years old, and who gave their life for love of God.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
Flower crowns have a very long history. Today we associate them with little girls celebrating First Communion and of course, the Crowning of Mary in May, but they have existed for centuries in cultures all around the world. From 1967’s Summer of Love, to the Native Hawaiian Lays, flower crowns have always been an important symbol of celebration. Queen Victoria married Prince Albert in 1840, and not only did she popularize wearing a white wedding dress, but she also wore a crown of flowers.
Mother Teresa once said: "I do own things, but they do not own me." In the Gospel passage today, Jesus proposes his manifesto for being his authentic disciples. Humanly speaking, the task assigned to the twelve sounds impossible: cure the sick, raise the dead, heal the leper, and expel demons. What makes it more impossible is that they were told to go penniless and wallet-less, depending on God and the people they were serving.
Strengthening family unity | Why pray?
The fox gazes at the little prince a long time. "Please tame me!" He begs. In a way, husband and wife, 'tame' each other, if they are patient. If they are self-sacrificing, and if they give the gift of themselves to each other. With God’s help and grace, they bring joy to each other. Priests and people 'tame' each other as well, with the help of God’s grace.
Holy lives of inspiration | Why pray?
A pastor asked his parishioners to pray for rain since there was a serious drought. As they were praying the pastor looked around and began criticizing the group for what he called their lack of faith. One parishioner sheepishly spoke up and said, "but father we do have faith, we showed up, didn’t we?" To which the pastor replied, "Why didn’t anyone bring an umbrella?"