World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
Get ready for the 2nd Annual Museum of Family Prayer Mary Garden Contest! It is to be launched officially on May 24, the Feast of Mary, Mother of the Church, but now, as it is Earth Day, we want to give a “heads up” to all you gardeners and gardener “wannabes” so you can include this in your garden planning.
Last Saturday I went on a personal pilgrimage. It was the birthday of my beloved Aunt Mary who died years ago, and I realized that I was way overdue for a visit to her grave and the graves of my grandparents, about an hour from here, near the Church of my childhood.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
The Bread of Life involves our senses, our feelings, and our memories. On an unfortunate day, some teenagers had verbally assaulted a nine-year-old girl on her way to school. When she went home crying, her mother was baking. She found the house filled with the aroma of fresh-baked bread; and a piece for her on the table with some homemade strawberry jam. Her mother was right there, ready with her usual hug.
What enabled Stephen, to stand up to the authorities of his day and defend his belief in Christ knowing he would suffer persecution and even death? The answer is found in the gospel today when people asked Jesus, what could they do to accomplish the works of God and he replied, "believe in the one He sent." St. Faustina knew this well when she said, "Jesus I trust in you."
The Easter Season is about resurrection. It is the perfect time to go to Jesus and ask Him to make things new. To give you new life. And He will, He wants to – but will you let Him? Sometimes we leave the door open just a crack, and peer out into the hallway as we cling to our old way of life, like a child clings to a blanket.
“Gather the fragments left over so that nothing will be wasted.” Picture this: it’s a beautiful Sunday in the Easter Spring of 1955. The pastor, Father Wilfrid Ouellette, is distributing communion and whispering rhythmically, “Corpus Domini Nostri Jesus Christi, custodiat animam tuam in vitam aeternam. Amen.” May the Body of our Lord Jesus Christ escort your soul safely to eternal life. Amen. Little Wilfred, the 10-year-old altar boy, tried valiantly to receive the host, but unfortunately he missed...