World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

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Eucharist  |  Grandparenting  |  sacramental grace

Grandpa's Garden: Blessing, Gratitude, Communion

Spring is in full bloom in the Northeast, and nature’s cycle of life, rebirth of color, blossom, and branches is all around us. It is a renewal that enlivens the soul and beckons us to be conscious of our place in creation. Our youngest grandson recently celebrated his First Communion. We were present to enjoy the Sacramental moment. The celebration began as the children devoutly processed into Church, their hands in a posture of prayer, pointing upward and forward.

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Blog Feature

Family Rosary  |  Glorious Mysteries  |  family prayer  |  power of prayer

The Promise and Power of the Rosary: The Glorious Mysteries

The first time I learned about Father Patrick Peyton, C.S.C. was during the middle of the pandemic. Although I didn’t know much about him, I’d heard his catchy phrase before The Family That Prays Together Stays Together. His life in devotion to Mary and the Rosary is represented in a new book, The Family that Prays Together Stays Together: A Bead-by-Bead Family Guide through the Mysteries, by Father Willy Raymond, C.S.C.

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Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.

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Ave Maria Press  |  Catholic Family Fun  |  Glorious Mysteries  |  pray the rosary

Our Family's Week with the Glorious Mysteries

I have mixed emotions about praying the Rosary with my family. As children growing up in a Catholic home, we were “forced” to pray the Rosary, and I always dreaded it. The Rosary seemed to last forever, and there were a million other things I would have rather been doing. Because of this, my prayer time was never fruitful. I recited words, but never actually prayed. Today, rarely does a day go by that I don’t pray at least one decade of the Rosary. If I happen to be having a particularly sleepless night, I can get through more than one Rosary easily. My love and devotion to Mary have grown into an integral part of my faith, and I love having her as my spiritual mother.

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Blog Feature

Catholic Family Fun  |  Hail Mary  |  family prayer

Introducing Prayer: Sing a Song

When my firstborn was a baby, I started the habit of singing the Hail Mary to her at night as a lullaby. I hadn’t thought much about it at the time, but soon enough she was singing along with Mama—praying without even knowing what prayer was yet. And so began our family’s tradition of starting bedtime prayers by singing the Hail Mary. I can already hear the reactions of those of you who can’t carry a tune. Guess what? Me too!

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A Holy and Life-Long Commitment - Weekday Homily Video

After listening to Father Leo’s homily yesterday, I was inspired to seek ways to use our hands, feet, and eyes--our bodies, to do good and care for those in need. Father Leo, like Jesus, building upon the Ten Commandments with the positive actions of the Beatitudes, made me think about today’s readings in the positive, regarding honoring our commitments through holy perseverance.

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Blog Feature

Holy lives of inspiration  |  Learn more about our faith

Lifting Others as You Go - Weekday Homily Video

Father Leo Polselli, C.S.C. offers a thought-provoking and unique take on today's Mass Readings. We invite you to listen to his brief homily video below, then reflect on the questions below alone, or even better, with your family.

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