World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

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Catholic Family Fun  |  family life  |  family prayer

A Tool to Help Families Reflect and Pray Each Day

Now that the long, slower days of summer are finally here, they bring with them the invitation to slow down a little. Hopefully, the lengthy twilights and break from school brings a sense of less urgency and more playtime to your home. Of course, the flip side of no school and more flexibility can also mean that the house seems to perpetually be half a step away from descending into complete chaos. When my kids were growing up, summer meant sleeping in and a lot of time for bedtime stories. On the other hand, it was also the season when one or another of my boys would get mad and inform us he was going to run away and we’d be sorry! So summer brings both sides of the coin. (By the way, they only ran away to the stop sign a block away. I would wander over a while later with some snacks in case they had run out of food. They usually had. One time, their dad dropped off a pillow, so they “would sleep better.” They all eventually decided home wasn’t so bad after all.) That is the great thing about summer: there’s even time for some mini-adventures.

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Blog Feature

Blessed Mother  |  Catholic Faith  |  prayer  |  praying the Rosary

Praying the Rosary with Mary in the Front Seat

After returning from maternity leave, I surprised everyone – including myself – by changing careers and taking on a new role with the family business. Instead of having a five-minute commute, I drove 45 minutes each way. Faced with the reality of being in the car daily for 90 minutes, I took advantage of the time to do things I didn't have time to do before, like listening to audiobooks, podcasts, and audio CDs of lectures delivered at church.

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Return Love for Love - Weekday Homily Video

Today, we celebrate the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. This feast is the titular feast of the Priests of the Congregation of Holy Cross. If you know any priests of the Congregation of Holy Cross, please wish them a good feast day! The founder of the Congregation of Holy Cross, Blessed Basil Moreau wrote, “To give one’s heart is to give love. Jesus speaks our language when he holds out his heart to us, which tells the story of his love for us. The primary purpose of the devotion to the Sacred Heart is to return love for love.”

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Blog Feature

Holy lives of inspiration  |  Learn more about our faith

Close to the Kingdom of God - Weekday Homily Video

St. Norbert was born nearly one thousand years ago, but his life can inspire us today. He was born in Germany and sensed a call to the priesthood while recovering from a near-fatal horse-riding accident, unlike Father Patrick Peyton’s path after recovering from Tuberculosis. St. Norbert faced early challenges at the beginning of his priesthood. His brother priests were against his promotion of an ascetical way of life and reforms in the Church.

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Belief in the Resurrection - Weekday Homily Video

“Life is short. Death is certain. The world to come is everlasting.” ~ Saint John Henry Newman

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What We Owe God - Weekday Homily Video

Every three months, I am reminded of what I owe Caesar, or more accurately, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, as I pay my taxes. Most people only think about this once a year, on that magic day of April 15. So, it isn’t hard to understand what Jesus told the Pharisees: “Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar…” But the second part of the statement requires some thought, “…and to God what belongs to God.”

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