World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
Over the past several days, while getting over the flu, I realized that this third week of Advent was going to be different and a little uncertain. I think most of us feel better when we have a plan—whether for the day, for the week, and definitely when getting ready for Christmas. But what about when something happens and suddenly our plan goes out the window?
Advent | Blessed Virgin Mary | mysteries of the rosary | pray the rosary
Saint John said that all things were created in the Word, and the Word was made flesh, and born into this world to be its King. If this plan depended on a King of flesh and blood, then He must be born of a perfect human mother, a perfect human Queen. Like all other human beings, she, Our Blessed Mother, was made free to love or not to love. So even God’s infinite love would have to depend on her freely choosing to receive it. When she said ‘yes’, even eternity held its breath to give thanks to Mary and the Son that her loving fiat would bring into the world to inaugurate a timeless and heavenly destiny for all who would receive Him.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
There is a saying: 'If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is." This seems to be Zechariah's thought in the Gospel of Luke after the angel Gabriel gives him great-sounding news: Elizabeth and he are going to have a child. Because he doubts the angel's word, Zechariah is struck mute.
Holy lives of inspiration | Learn more about our faith
I love Saint Joseph, a man of action, silent action. While preparing this homily, I felt inspired to see how St. Joseph would describe his experience to other people. Let’s pretend that we are listening to a monologue from Saint Joseph, which I read a long time ago. It goes like this …
Advent | Family Activities | prayer
Today we enter the third week of Advent, we hope you have found many amazing ways to share The Gift of Prayer with your family this season. Family Rosary invites you to use our many inspirational and family-friendly resources to carve out time this week to share the precious gift of prayer with your family. Please visit each week for new resources!
Advent | Christmas Season | family prayer
In this month of December, we have the Advent and Christmas seasons. In this same month, the Board of Holy Cross Family Ministries will sit to reflect on the work that we do, and plan. At every Board sitting we have a theme that sets the tone for the Board meeting. As the President of the organization, I am given the privilege of choosing the theme and offering a reflection about it. I chose the theme “Emmanuel: God is with us” (Isaiah 7:14,8:8; Matthew 1:23) that speaks to the Advent and Christmas seasons yet is deeply rooted in the Third Joyful Mystery of the Rosary about The Nativity of the Lord.