Prayers for Family

World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

Blog Feature

Blessed Basil Moreau  |  Book Review  |  Living the Faith

Blessed Basil Moreau: A Life of Faith and Founding

Moreau: Portrait of a Founder paints a vivid image of the life, times, and struggles of Blessed Basil Moreau and his efforts to form the Congregation of Holy Cross. The merits of this biography lie in the extensive use of primary sources from the time, in particular Blessed Moreau’s own writings, whether letters, published articles, homilies, or other such sources. The use of these sources provides a rich look into the mind of Moreau and his development spiritually. The adept narration of Fr. Barrosse, C.S.C. provides the necessary context, both historically and culturally, to better understand Blessed Moreau, while also letting Moreau speak for himself.

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Blog Feature

Catholic Momcast  |  Living the Faith  |  Podcast  |  catholic mom

Catholic Momcast 300: Meet the Catholic Moms!

In this special 300th episode of Catholic Momcast, we meet the women who work to bring over 140 contributors, podcast guests, and special events to our readers and listeners. Join us in our celebration!

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Subscribe to the Family Rosary Blog

Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.

Blog Feature

Catholic Faith  |  Gospel of John  |  Living the Faith  |  Mass

Pruning and Making Disciples

This is the tale of two fruit plants. In my yard, I have an apple tree in my backyard and a blueberry bush in the front. The apple trees I never prune, and they are now a bit out of hand — they produce bad fruit or, honestly, no fruit most years. The blueberry bush in the front, however, I prune the dead and fruitless branches each year. Because I do this pruning, we get a good crop of blueberries each year. My daughter, Faith and I pick and eat the berries right from the bush; you can’t get any fresher than that!

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Blog Feature

Living the Faith  |  My Rosary Story  |  family prayer

A Reflection on the Blessings of the Rosary

The day had finally arrived. It was Sunday, May 18, 1997—my First Communion. When I got out of bed, I found my grandmother in the kitchen. Grandma was already dressed for church, preparing the last of her chicken salad sandwiches and arranging boxes of pastry onto the dining room table. She had been awake since 6:00 a.m. making sure everything was prepared for when the family arrived after Mass. When she saw me, I was shooed out of the kitchen, and back into my bedroom where my mother had just laid out my First Communion dress and veil.

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Blog Feature

Living the Faith  |  family prayer  |  pray the rosary

The Paradox of Prayer and Time

Say the rosary? I can barely squeeze in a "Hail Mary." Read scripture? I’d like to, but I never get to sit down. Go to daily Mass? It would be nice, but you have got to be kidding. People give many reasons for not praying more. Close to the top of the list is the complaint that "I simply don’t have time." There are so many other important things vying for our attention. There are children and spouses and parents who need us to help them. There are household chores to complete and work to be done. The to-do list is long and the hours are short.

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Blog Feature

Living the Faith  |  family prayer  |  parenting teenagers

Helping Your Teens to Know God's Love

You've got teens. They're all over the place. They're struggling with lots of things you never even considered and drifting into the stream of the world via the internet, popular culture and media. How do you help them wrestle with God? You love them. You love them, you love them, you love them, and you create opportunities for them to know it.

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