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Praying with Stained Glass Images: The Sorrowful Mysteries

By: Family Rosary on March 27th, 2025

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Praying with Stained Glass Images: The Sorrowful Mysteries

family prayer  |  Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary  |  pray the rosary  |  Praying with images

Beauty lifts the soul, especially when combined with prayer. A grand vista or intricate work of art can be transformative, evoking deep feelings and thoughts. A majestic waterfall or a detailed painting reminds us of God’s magnificence and the care He put into the world. Art communicates ideas and stories, especially in matters of faith, when literacy was less common, leading to a vast collection of religious art.


Since the early Church, Christians have used art to share the Good News and tell Christ’s story. Frescoes, paintings, and other traditional art forms were common. As time passed, artists explored various styles and mediums, resulting in the creation of new art forms. Colored glass in windows has been used in churches since the early days, but it became a staple in the monumental Gothic works of the 11th and 12th centuries. These cathedrals, decorated with beautiful stained glass, brought light and color, instructing the faithful in a simple, engaging, and beautiful way.


These artworks catechized the faithful and served as a focus for prayer. People attending Mass or seeking a quiet place could meditate on them, learning about the Bible and bringing the Gospel to life. In this tradition, the series “Praying with Images (Visio Divina)” uses stained glass images to represent the Mysteries of the Rosary and reflections from Venerable Patrick Peyton. These images, like the stained glass of old cathedrals, instruct us in certain truths about the faith and provide a reference point for meditation.


Artful depictions of Christ’s life, especially His Passion and Death, offer families a unique opportunity to engage in discussions of faith. From the youngest to the oldest, everyone can look upon the beauty of art and share their thoughts and feelings.


Visio Divina, or “sacred seeing,” is an ancient form of Christian prayer that uses the imagination to enter into prayer. It is an effective method for families looking to begin or deepen a practice of family prayer. Start with these images, calling upon the Holy Spirit to guide your discussion.


Your prayer can be as simple as, “Come, Holy Spirit,” or a longer one, such as:

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful. And kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And you will renew the face of the earth.


This collection of images of the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary includes short reflections to illustrate the variety of ways sacred art can be viewed and discussed. We pray your family is truly blessed by your time together, immersed in the beauty of the art, these words, and your precious time with each other.


*Visio Divina is a prayer practice in which one reflects on religious images or art to help develop or grow in a deeper understanding of faith. **Peyton, Patrick. Father Peyton’s Rosary Prayer Book. Ignatius Press, 2012. 

To scroll through the images, click the small arrow at the lower right of photo.


The Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary

Agony Garden-S-1

First Sorrowful Mystery: The Agony in the Garden

Reflection: "Jesus loved to be with His Apostles and to preach to the multitudes; but He also loved to be alone with His Father. The Apostles were used to seeing Him leave their company after sunset, to spend His nights by Himself on a mountainside, praying. They talked about it among themselves and, when not too tired, wished they could accompany Him. They had their chance at last on Holy Thursday night; Jesus invited Peter, James, and John to watch and pray with Him on Mount Olivet. And they failed Him. He rose from His agony and found them asleep.” (120) 


Second Sorrowful Mystery: The Scourging at the Pillar

Reflection: “Not the least of Christ’s miracles was His continual escape from physical suffering at the hands of His enemies. Divine intervention had prevented the death of the Christ Child, and He came to no harm even in the land of Egypt. His fellow townsmen, angered by His first sermon in the synagogue, dragged Him off to a high cliff to do away with Him, “but He departed from their midst.” Even when the elements seemed to conspire against Him as He crossed the storm-swept Sea of Galilee, Jesus slept unconcernedly. But it was quite otherwise on Good Friday, when Roman soldiers tied Him to a post and lashed His Body to ribbons. It is impossible to avoid suffering for long. But we must always remember that God is present in the brokenness and emptiness of our situation.” (121) 


Third Sorrowful Mystery – The Crowning with Thorns

Reflection: “Jesus has been officially sentenced to death. However, the soldiers were in no hurry to finish off their prey. To the twisted wits of the soldiers, the praetorium courtyard suggested a mock court, and Jesus a mock King. Injury was added to insult when they clamped the King’s head in a royal crown, studded with thorns. Jesus, the innocence of God, had no safeguard against pain.” (42)  

Carrying Cross-S-1

Fourth Sorrowful Mystery: The Carrying of the Cross

Reflection: “The journey up and down narrow, dusty streets from the Praetorium to Calvary must have been a nightmare for the worn-out Christ with a cross on His back. But Jesus was never too tired to console His friends. He filled the Cyrenean’s heart with a strange, delightful, peace and joy. Gently He told the mourning women to hold back their tears for their children. He left the image of His face on Veronica’s veil, repaying her sympathy with a miracle of thoughtfulness. And His Mother Mary found the strength to bear her sorrow in a glance from her Son as He passed.” (263) 


Fifth Sorrowful Mystery: The Crucifixion 

Reflection: “At the summit of His suffering – His agony on the cross – Jesus simply radiated His divine mercy. While His enemies were pounding nails through His hands and feet, He Forgave them, and prayed for their repentance.” (264) 

About Family Rosary

Our committed staff works daily to develop resources to help families pray. From video content, prayer apps and daily prayer emails, we want to ensure families have what they need to grow in the faith through family prayer. From our offices in 16 countries around the globe, we help families pray.