World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
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One of the sacraments that I enjoy celebrating the most is the sacrament of baptism. It is always a joyous occasion. A young child has recently been welcomed into their family with great happiness and celebration, and now they are being welcomed into another family - the church family. It is in this new family where the children become brothers and sisters, sons and daughters of God, and temples of the Holy Spirit.
Return to the Church | Strengthening family unity
In our gospel today, the Lord responds to some of the criticism He faced from the Scribes and the Pharisees. He uses the example of children’s behavior to illustrate His point. He said that his critics seemed like children playing in a village market. One group invited the other, ‘Come let us play weddings!’ and the other said ‘We don’t feel today like playing happiness.’ The first group said, ‘Alright, come on, let us play funerals!’ The second group said, ‘We don’t feel like playing sadness today.’ No matter what was suggested, the second group did not want to do it; and no matter what was offered, they found fault with it.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
Learn more about our faith | Return to the Church
Imagine standing on the rim of the Grand Canyon in Arizona and taking in the grandeur, magnificence, and the natural beauty of this marvel of God’s creation. We stand this day at a spiritual rim allowing us to glimpse the drama of good and evil battling each other in our own day.
Love thy Neighbor | Return to the Church | Why pray?
I have heard this story about the committal service of a man. As the casket was about to be lowered into the grave, a mourner came forward and said, "He was a very nice man; he loaned me a hundred dollars, and I owe him that money." He took a hundred-dollar bill and placed it on the casket. Another man came forward, stating that he also owed the deceased a hundred dollars and wanted to pay him back at that very moment. He also placed a hundred-dollar bill on the casket. Then, as the undertaker was about to lower the casket into the grave, another man came forward and declared that he owed the deceased three hundred dollars.
Healing the family | Return to the Church | Strengthening family unity
In today’s gospel, we hear for the third time that Jesus goes to dine in the home of one of the Pharisees. And, once again, the controversy of healing people on the sabbath comes up.
Learn more about our faith | Return to the Church | Why pray?
Today, we hear that St. Paul confesses that even though he wants to do “the good,” he falls short; in fact, he doesn’t just fail to do good; he sometimes does what’s wrong.