World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
Celebrating family life | Seasonal Reflections
Not too long ago, our seven-year-old grandson was looking through some 1950’s family photo albums. We explained to him how he was related to the various family members in the pictures.
Love thy Neighbor | Seasonal Reflections
Halleluiah, Jesus is risen! He is risen to die no more. He is risen to take away our fear of death. He is risen to give us hope. He is risen to give us new life.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
Learn more about our faith | Seasonal Reflections
In the 1460’s, the artist Piero della Francesca was hired to create a fresco for the small town of Sansepolcro, Italy. Over seven feet tall, the fresco depicts a life-size Christ rising from His tomb. At the time, Renaissance art usually had Christ floating above the tomb in a display of divine might. But Piero della Francesca chose to depict Christ physically climbing out of His tomb without any fanfare or heavenly aid. This added an air of gravitas and humanism, making The Resurrection of Christ not simply a celebration, but also a reminder of Christ’s sacrifice.
Compline (Night Prayer) is the last prayer of the liturgical day before retiring for the night. This prayer places us before the love of God to examine our day and lay it to rest.
To appreciate this great Mystery, come back with me to Palm Sunday. Jesus is going up to Jerusalem to die. What was in His mind as he mounts the donkey and deliberately goes to the center of Roman power in the holy city?
Compline (Night Prayer) is the last prayer of the liturgical day before retiring for the night. This prayer places us before the love of God to examine our day and lay it to rest.