World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
Love thy Neighbor | Strengthening family unity
Back in the old days, in the Quincy public schools, grades 7-9 were called junior high. In ninth grade, many of my classmates and I had Mr. Jack Buckley for history class. Mr. Buckley was a gifted teacher and storyteller who could draw you into any historical period of time, causing you to boo the villains, root for underdogs, and cheer on heroes, and have you wanting to know what happened next, even after the bell had rung. But his greatest gift was how he convinced each of us that we had some talent or gift that we should share with our class and the wider community.
Healing the family | Return to the Church | Strengthening family unity
In today’s gospel, we hear for the third time that Jesus goes to dine in the home of one of the Pharisees. And, once again, the controversy of healing people on the sabbath comes up.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
Strengthening family unity | Why pray?
Though they may have names and places that sound foreign to us, listening to and reading St. Paul’s letters is so real. Right off the bat, Paul speaks of Demas, who deserted him because he was “enamored with the present world.” He then lists the others who have left him and mentions that Luke is the only one still with him.
Love thy Neighbor | Strengthening family unity
Today's reading from Luke's Gospel paints a vivid picture of a profound message that resonates deeply in our current times. We read about the sending of the seventy-two disciples in Luke's Gospel. As we delve into this passage, I thought I could reflect on several things, such as the idea of being sent "like lambs into the midst of wolves" in the trials of our present time. Indeed, following Christ is challenging when there is so much division and social discord all around us. Or I could reflect on Jesus telling his disciples to "carry no purse, no bag, no sandals." Their lack of material support would force them to trust God completely!
Healing the family | Strengthening family unity
Today's readings invite us to reflect on the theme of rebuilding and revitalizing the Church. But let us begin by recognizing that each family is, in and of itself, a masterpiece of God and a Domestic Church. Within the walls of our homes, we have the power to renew and strengthen the foundation of the whole Church.
Healing the family | Strengthening family unity
I want to begin by asking: how many of you like change? You might answer, it depends, is it for the good or not? And what will it take? All good questions. As we heard yesterday, there was a radical change from the time Matthew followed Jesus, both literally and in how he lived.