World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

Blog Feature

Love thy Neighbor  |  Strengthening family unity

Start Where We Are - Family Reflection Video

Today, as we gather as a family, let our hearts be filled with joy and overflowing gratitude for the Word of God that has been proclaimed to us. In Acts 17, we hear from the Apostle Paul that we are God’s offspring and that He is not far from us. In fact, it is in Him that we live and move and have our being. In John, we hear Jesus promise to send the Holy Spirit who will lead us into all truth. From these proclamations, we learn about the incredible power of God's love and the boundless blessings that await us as we walk together in faith as a family.

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Blog Feature

Celebrating family life  |  Strengthening family unity

The Love and Joy of Family - Family Reflection Video

In John's Gospel, Jesus links two powerfully uplifting emotions: love and joy. And, it makes sense when we love someone, and they love us; there's a unifying force that stirs our souls and makes us joyful.

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Blog Feature

Celebrating family life  |  Strengthening family unity

Courage and Conviction - Family Reflection Video

Today's reading from the Acts of the Apostles reminds us of the importance of courage and conviction in our faith. The Gospel of John reminds us that the one who believes in the Son has eternal life (John 3.36). As we reflect on today's scriptures, let us remember the importance of communicating our love and faith to our children. As parents, we are responsible for being role models and providing a foundation of love and trust for our children.

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Blog Feature

Healing the family  |  Strengthening family unity

Moments of Remarkable Encounter - Family Reflection Video

A man on a business trip for about two weeks went out for breakfast. When the waitress came to his table, she asked, "What can I get you?" The man paused and said, "I'll tell you what. I'd like the special, but I want my toast burned to a crisp, my bacon like a piece of rubber, my coffee weak, and when you bring me the food, I want you to yell at me." Puzzled, the waitress said, "What are you, crazy?" "No," said the man, "I'm just homesick."

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Blog Feature

Strengthening family unity  |  Why pray?

Strength To Go On - Family Reflection Video

Let me share a heartwarming story that has inspired me, and I hope it will inspire you too. The parents, particularly the mother of two grown-up boys, are going through a difficult time. Their boys had a fallout and have not talked to each other for over a year. One of the sons hardly talks to his parents and consistently shows an angry face. Communication at home has become scarce.

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Blog Feature

Strengthening family unity

One Voice of Reason - Family Reflection Video

“But Naaman’s servants came up and reasoned with him.” 2 Kings 5:13 Have you ever felt stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea? Have you been forced to choose one side or the other? Were you ever pressed between the cliff and the crowd?

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