World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

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Strengthening family unity

Flourishing and Holy Families: Family Reflection Video

I really love the fall here in New England! We have a lot of clear and beautiful days to enjoy the fields and the orchards ripe for harvest. The forests and the hills become so colorful as the leaves turn. Nature and the changing of the seasons sing to us and teach us of the cycles of life and of coming to fruition.

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Blog Feature

Love thy Neighbor  |  Strengthening family unity

In Pairs the Lord Sent Them – Family Reflection Video

Today we celebrate the Feast of Saint Luke the Evangelist. He was a writer and physician who labored to portray for us in the Scriptures the gentleness and compassion of the Lord. He wrote several stories about Jesus healing the sick, or Jesus looking out for the poor and other kinds of people on the margins of society. Luke’s background as a physician certainly contributed to his special concern for the poor, the suffering, the outcasts, and women.

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Learn more about our faith  |  Strengthening family unity

Choosing the Better Part, What’s Your Hurry? - Family Reflection Video

"Part of the problem, Mitch, is that everyone is in such a hurry," Morrie said. "People haven't found meaning in their lives, so they're running all the time looking for it. They think they'll find it in the next car, the next house, the next job. Then they find those things are empty, too, and they keep running." Yet, in order for people to find meaning in their lives, they should stop running and turn to God in solitude, silence, and prayer. Then they would find what they are looking for. (An Excerpt from Tuesdays with Morrie). Today's selection from Luke's Gospel portrays vivid characters with the most excellent economy of words.

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Blog Feature

Strengthening family unity  |  Why pray?

Finding Pockets of Time to Pray

Maria Riley describes how she has learned to turn tiny pockets of time over to God. When I run into other moms at church, in the neighborhood, or the grocery store, I find that I am having the same conversation over and over. I say, “Hi! How are you?” and she replies, “Busy!”

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Blog Feature

Holy lives of inspiration  |  Strengthening family unity

Restless Hearts - Family Reflection Video

Listening to the author of the Book of Ecclesiastes, there is a lot of wisdom and much of it practical. What has been, that will be; what has been done, that will be done. Nothing is new under the sun. There is a lot for us to think about today when he says there is an appointed time for everything, and a time for everything under the heavens ... words often spoken at funerals because everyone acknowledges that there is a time to give birth and a time to die.

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Blog Feature

Return to the Church  |  Strengthening family unity

In Weakness We Can Find Strength: Family Reflection Video

For grace was given to each of us according to the measure of Christ’s gift. Live in a manner worthy of the call you have received. We might ask but just what is meant by this? God has blessed us; God has infused his Spirit within us. Jesus entered our lives at our baptism.

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