World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
Holy lives of inspiration | Why pray?
“Why?” That’s one question asked when today’s gospel appears at Mass. Why do we proclaim and listen to three sets of 14 generations of a family? Couldn’t we just cover the highlights or do what every kid has considered and use the Cliff Notes version? Well, since it’s Sacred Scripture inspired by the Holy Spirit, there must be a good reason. And here is one: it is the story of a family from Abraham to Jesus, a reminder of how God’s plan for our salvation required generations of a family and centuries of time.
Holy lives of inspiration | Why pray?
We all know what a dilemma is. It is a perplexing situation in which a choice has to be made between two or more desirable or undesirable alternatives. Going by that definition, it may be said that it is a choice of the best among the better or worse. Facing dilemmas is like going to a restaurant with an enormous menu. You spend ages deciding between two dishes, only to blurt out “I’ll have the usual” when the waiter or waitress takes your orders! In Matthew's Gospel, the chief priests and the elders find themselves in that exact type of situation. They challenge Jesus’ authority but, in turn, find themselves challenged and in a dilemma about how to answer that question of Jesus. So, they end up choosing the worst of the worst alternatives with that reply: We do not know. Or, in simple terms, no comment.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
Holy lives of inspiration | Why pray?
“Blessed be God forever!” That’s a prayer you and I have probably said hundreds, if not thousands of times at Mass. And, yet, yesterday I heard it in a different way. A little girl sitting with her Mom and Grandfather, caught our attention, as she heard our prayer responses and then would repeat what she had been taught and heard us say. The little girl’s sincerity of faith and desire to join in the celebration of the Mass, came through in those four powerful words, “Blessed be God forever.”
Holy lives of inspiration | Why pray?
Today, we celebrate a profound mystery of our faith: Mary's Immaculate Conception. From the moment of her conception, she was preserved from original sin and chosen by God to bear His Son, Jesus Christ. Mary was uniquely prepared not just to carry Jesus in her womb but to live her entire life as a vessel of God's grace. But this feast isn't just about Mary. It's about us, too. Think about that for a moment: God didn't just choose Mary. He chose us, too. Saint Paul reminds us, "In Him, we were also chosen" (Ephesians 1:11). Because of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection, every one of us is invited to carry Him in our hearts and to bear Him into the world.
Learn more about our faith | Why pray?
There’s something powerful about discovering the extraordinary in the ordinary. I once heard a story of a man who moved to a new town and visited a nearby church. While admiring the beautiful stained-glass windows, he noticed an unusual phrase. One of the windows bore the words: “Glory to God in the Highest.” But the letter "E" in “Highest” was missing, leaving the phrase to read: “Glory to God in the High St!” This unexpected twist made him pause and reflect. High Street was the name of the street where he lived. He realized this was a message for him—he was being called to glorify God, not somewhere far away, but in his own neighborhood, on High Street, in the small, daily acts of his life.
Learn more about our faith | Why pray?
Yesterday, I was shocked to learn that a week from Thursday is Thanksgiving Day! One clue that we are well into November is the readings for the Mass. Once you get to the Book of Revelation it’s a sure sign we’re heading toward the end of Ordinary Time.