World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
Behold Your Mother | pray the rosary | seasons of motherhood
Today we will pray the Introductory Prayers. The “feminine genius,” a term popularized by St. John Paul II, is perhaps best expressed in the receptivity represented by pregnancy. A woman opens herself up to the physical presence of another person—tiny and fragile though he may be. She conscientiously focuses on providing the best nutrition for her growing baby.
Holy lives of inspiration | Seasonal Reflections
In one of her Faith Formation classes, a teacher asked her students to write an essay on this topic—Which relic of which saint would you like to possess and why? On reading one of the masterpieces later, she brightened up. The budding writer said: “I would like to have some drops of the sweat of Saint Joseph in a vial, because his sweat would symbolize honest, humble, honorable work. It was by sweat of his brow that he could feed the Son of God, His Mother, and himself."
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
Behold Your Mother | pray the rosary | seasons of motherhood
The writers of Family Rosary's sister ministry, Catholic Mom, enthusiastically gathered to share meditations on each Mystery of the Rosary in a special way for pregnant mothers. We invite you to join us throughout the month of May as we pray together each day, and to share these reflections with other moms who will enjoy them. Today, Allison Gingras introduces the series. One night as I was drifting off to sleep, I asked the Lord a simple question: “Why the Rosary?”
During this Easter season, we have been renewed in Christ. We have dug deep into ourselves and are now ready to continue carrying on the mission of preaching His Gospel to all peoples. While Lent was a good time to give things up or add in extra sacrifices and times of prayer, we can continue deepening our faith and relationship with Jesus with new Easter resolutions.
family prayer | pray the rosary
When my husband and I were expecting our first child, we talked a lot about family prayer. We had all these ideas of what it might look like in our home, how we would live liturgically, and make our space sacred. And while I still think that most of those ideas were great, I’ve had to reconcile those ideas (and let’s face it, dreams) with the realities of the family that we have, right now. Of those ideas we had at the start, we do exactly none of them today.
Holy lives of inspiration | Learn more about our faith
Two giant statues of Saints Peter and Paul stand as guards at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. St. Peter holds the key on the right side, while St. Paul holds a sword on the other. These two figures stand as giants in the faith. Born and educated as a Roman citizen and as a righteous Pharisee, Paul was cruel to the followers of Christ. He imprisoned women and men believers and murdered some with his sword.