World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

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Following Jesus’ Directions - Weekday Homily Video

Psalm 23 is one of the most well-known, even to people with limited knowledge of scripture. It is a beautiful and encouraging song of faith and hope in God's role as shepherd of our lives. When I was in my final year of seminary, there were a lot of last-minute details to take care of, and one that had escaped me was to create a small ordination prayer card. Some of my classmates probably had theirs done at the beginning of the year, but there I was about two weeks before ordination, looking for an image of Jesus and a suitable scriptural verse.

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Blog Feature

Holy lives of inspiration

Setting the Right Example - Weekday Homily Video

First Reading Reflection (Titus 2:1-8, 11-14) Beloved: You must say what is consistent with sound doctrine, namely, that older men should be temperate, dignified, self-controlled, sound in faith, love, and endurance. Similarly, older women should be reverent in their behavior, not slanderers, not addicted to drink, teaching what is good, so that they may train younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, chaste, good homemakers, under the control of their husbands, so that the word of God may not be discredited. Urge the younger men, similarly, to control themselves, showing yourself as a model of good deeds in every respect, with integrity in your teaching, dignity, and sound speech that cannot be criticized, so that the opponent will be put to shame without anything bad to say about us. For the grace of God has appeared, saving all and training us to reject godless ways and worldly desires and to live temperately, justly, and devoutly in this age, as we await the blessed hope, the appearance of the glory of the great God and of our savior Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to deliver us from all lawlessness and to cleanse for himself a people as his own, eager to do what is good.

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Blog Feature

Holy lives of inspiration

Friend of the Poor and Defender of the Faith - Weekday Homily Video

November 11th is the Memorial of Saint Martin of Tours, who was born in 316 AD and grew up in a military family. As a teenager, he also served in the army. He is the patron saint of soldiers. It is not a coincidence that Veteran’s Day in the United States is celebrated on the 11th of November in honor of those who have served, or who currently serve, in the military.

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Blog Feature

Catholic  |  family prayer  |  prayer  |  praying

What Is Prayer?

It’s something you are never too young for, yet never too old. You could spend all day doing this, yet a few minutes works just as well. You can do this walking or sitting, singing or talking, when you are angry or sad, happy or grateful. You will never, as long as you live, run out of reasons to do this nor will you ever regret the time you dedicated to it. You can be an expert or a novice with the same result. It can be incredibly challenging and entirely easy all at the same time. You can do it in any language and you will always be understood. It is never — and I mean never — a poor use of time. It is appropriate for any and all situations, under any and all circumstances.

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Blog Feature

Catholic Faith  |  Grandpa's Garden  |  catholic family life

Grandpa's Garden: Justice Together

In November, we traditionally recall those who have gone before us to eternal life. It is a time of enduring hope and can also be mixed with some sadness as we miss those people we loved so deeply. I remember years ago giving the news of our parents’ deaths to our children. In those difficult conversations, we tried to navigate our feelings while helping our young ones cope with their reactions. Their relationships with their grandparents enriched all of us. With experience, we learn to process through challenging times together. Community and family life offer mutual support, acceptance, and opportunities to share feelings and memories. Saint Paul observed that love is patient and kind and never fails (1 Corinthians 13:4, 8).

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Blog Feature

Learn more about our faith  |  Love thy Neighbor

Being Citizens of Heaven - Weekday Homily Video

Saint Paul sets up a clear dichotomy between two groups of people, much like Jesus does in the Gospel as He references “…the children of this world being more prudent in dealing with their own generation than the children of the light.” As I thought about Jesus’ observation and the steward in the Gospel who finds a way to survive after he’d lost his job for poor performance, it reminded me of how we all discover at some point the ways of the world.

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