World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
Family Fun | The House That Rob Built | kids in sports
In the early days of the pandemic confinement, I ordered a playground ball. While temperatures outside began to warm and my children were stuck learning behind screens for long hours each day, I dug around the mudroom for chalk and waited on the playground ball to arrive. A Four-Square ball, to be exact.
Return to the Church | Why pray?
Occasionally I do a general cleaning of my room, mainly to get rid of items that have accumulated over weeks. One afternoon, as I was cleaning the drawers of my table, an envelope sent by a friend caught my attention. It had only the word “Enjoy” written on it. I had kept it safe for later use but had forgotten about it.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
Holy lives of inspiration | Love thy Neighbor
At some point in our lives, we all will experience a "Queen Esther moment." When we face what feels like overwhelming circumstances— the question is—how will we respond? Queen Esther responded by pleading with God in prayer.
Celebrating family life | Seasonal Reflections
One of our grandsons recently celebrated his tenth birthday. On the eve of his big day, I pointed out that he was adding a digit to his age and would do so again when he turned one hundred. It was an interesting thought! I also mentioned that my tenth birthday was in 1960. After a few moments, he observed that I was born in 1950. We pay attention to the number of our age. When we turn multiples of five or ten, we attribute greater significance. Of course, every year is significant.
Return to the Church | Why pray?
Jonah is one of the most attractive characters in the Bible. The most beautiful surprise in the book of Jonah is that the most unlikely candidate for holiness, the ever-hated Assyrians, turn to God. The same Assyrians who had destroyed the ten northern tribes of the Hebrews (2 Kgs 17) and destroyed Judah (2 Kgs 19). Even though these people were among the cruelest in biblical history, Jonah managed to bring them to repentance.
We have just heard in today’s Psalm (Ps. 34) that “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted…” Over this past weekend, I spoke with a number of people about ordinary things: a mechanic about my brakes that were shot, a computer help person about what we thought was an internet problem and yet was just an unplugged power cord (after over two hours on the phone!), and friends who were just catching up on everyday life and able to find the humor in it.