World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

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Holy lives of inspiration

Are We Getting It Right? - Family Reflection Video

Today is my mother’s birthday, and I proudly used to say that she was born on St. Valentine’s Day. And I am sure you hoped to hear me say Happy Valentine’s Day! However, the Church in recent years has changed the liturgical focus of this day from St. Valentine to the great missionaries of the Slavs, Sts. Cyril and Methodius.

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Blog Feature

family Lenten activities  |  family prayer  |  pray the rosary

Lent Together as a Family with the Pray Together Now Kit

Prayer, especially the Rosary, strengthens families to come to know and believe God brings us through every challenge. Coming together as a family to pray during Lent—offering thanksgiving, petition, and intercession for ourselves and others gives new meaning to the season and fosters hope.

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Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.

Blog Feature

Celebrating family life

Signs in the Ordinary – Family Reflection Video

Several years ago, a hunter acquired an unusual hunting dog. It was the only dog of its kind that was capable of walking on water. To show off his prized possession, he invited a friend to go hunting with him. Eventually, they shot a few ducks, which fell into the river. He ordered his dog to fetch the birds. When the dog ran on water to fetch the birds, he expected a compliment about his amazing dog, but did not receive one.

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Blog Feature

Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary  |  The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple  |  how to pray the rosary

Fifth Joyful Mystery— The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple

A child raised in the time of Christ was considered an adult at the age of 12. That meant that a boy, now a young man had completed his initial education and was ready to accept responsibility for his faith. His parents and family nurtured this faith in their ordinary family life in their home.

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Blog Feature

Catholic Faith  |  Scripture  |  reading the Bible

Overcoming Wrath with Meekness

Jezebel, the infamous bad girl of the Bible, was selfish, unscrupulous, and manipulative. However, it is anger that ultimately destroys her. As the pagan wife of King Ahab, Jezebel uses her seductive power to spread the worship of Baal throughout the kingdom of Israel and to kill the prophets of Yahweh.

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Blog Feature

pray the rosary  |  praying for your family

A Daily Rosary for My Family

"You have your own basketball team," many people said when our fifth daughter was born. My Spiritual Director instead saw—one child for each decade of the Rosary. I loved that concept as soon as the words came out of his mouth. So, I committed to praying a Rosary every day, and toward the end of the year when reflecting on what faith-based intentions I wanted to have set for life vs. variable, I was not sure where the Rosary fit. The next year, the practice slipped away. I still prayed the Rosary sometimes, but it was sporadic as I no longer viewed it as a daily commitment. However, often when I prayed the Rosary, I thought about how I missed it.

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