World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
In his autobiography All for Her, Father Peyton writes that in the fall of 1941 he was “in the highest heaven.” After having been saved from death from tuberculosis by Our Lady two years before, he had been ordained a priest, fulfilling his dream. He knew he had a special call from Our Lady, and he deeply trusted that in her time she would make it known. Yet the increasing carnage being caused by World War II was constantly on his mind.
Last Sunday, a newly ordained transitional Deacon, Brian Connors began his homily by quoting Jesus’ words, "Peace be with you." Deacon Brian said that anyone who knew him would understand how much he needed Jesus’ reassurance as he gave his first homily at his home parish.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
Listening to the extensive missionary travels of Saint Paul for the past couple of weeks, I was reminded that although his travels were far more extensive, I had my own share of missionary travels during my six years living in Rome. I visited Holy Cross religious in Asia, Africa, and North and South America.
At this time of the Easter Season and until Pentecost, the Church hears the Lord’s Farewell Discourse at Mass: chapters 14-17 of the Gospel of Saint John. I really want to encourage us all to pick up our Bibles! Read and reread it these days, in small pieces as we do at Mass. No words holier, truer, or more mystical have been spoken - and they are for us, all who believe. Yet they may seem hard to get a hold of and very confusing.
After Mass on Easter, we returned home to prepare for a family visit. Our children, their spouses, and grandchildren gathered for brunch with us. These gatherings are brimming with conversation and celebration. Seeing everyone enjoy themselves and trying to listen to all the voices and stories attentively is a delightful challenge.
Those of us in this part of our world who are experiencing Spring, flowers growing, trees sprouting leaves and bushes revealing new growth, new branches, welcome these words of Jesus today when he says that he is the vine, and we are the branches. He talked about the need to prune the branches, to give way to new growth.