World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
Holy Women's History Month | Lenten Reflections | catholic mom | women's history month
When my oldest child was a senior in high school, we embarked on the college admissions process. It was the first time for us as parents, which, no doubt, made it a more difficult experience for everyone in the family. Despite the arguments and difficulties of launching into college, my son has since grown into a kind, responsible, self-sufficient adult with whom I love spending time. Being a May baby, he was always a smidge behind the other kids. In high school, when others were excitedly researching schools, going on visits, and later applying, he gradually became a deer in headlights. We didn’t know what to expect or how to manage this. When we were younger, our parents either didn’t care if we went to college or left us to handle it on our own. It worked out. We both hold degrees. We naturally expected the same from our son. He did not deliver. Prefer to Listen—Audio version available!
Catholic Faith | family prayer | pray the rosary
The first time the Rosary crashed into my life, I was helping with an event at my parish. One night, I felt God telling me to pray a Rosary every day until the event. I’d never prayed a daily Rosary, so it seemed like a big ask. I did a quick count of the number of days remaining: a Biblical 40 days. My response was not the immediate fiat of Mary. Are you sure? I asked God. I attributed this to an overactive imagination. The next day, the request returned. I decided to go for it. I launched in and quickly learned that a daily Rosary is work. I wasn’t great at managing the prayers and meditations and hadn’t memorized which Mysteries went with which days. There were even a few Mysteries I needed to look up because I wasn’t sure what they were. I got through it, and we had a successful event. Then I stopped...
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
Blessed Mother | Catholic Faith | prayer
I found the book by accident. I wonder if, in actuality, it found me instead. It’s a do-it-yourself retreat culminating in consecration to Jesus through Mary, also known as Marian consecration. I’d not heard of such a thing before, but it seemed to be a good next step in my spiritual life ... so I bought it. It claimed to be a quick, easy, and secure path to holiness — and heaven knows I need more holiness.
Daily Family Prayer | Resolutions contributor, Merridith Frediani shares four lessons she learned when she resolved to sacrifice a little sleep, in order to add a lot more prayer to her day.