World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

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Advent  |  Catholic traditions  |  family life

How to Make Room for Jesus this Advent

When my children were younger, we painted seven letters purple and then sprayed glitter paint over the top. The seven purple letters are hung every Advent, reminding us to prepare our hearts for Christmas. Now, as I sit early in the morning by a Christmas tree lit with the promise of a season of hope, I am prayerfully going deeper into what it truly means to prepare. Advent is a time of such busyness: a whirlwind of shopping, decorating, and hospitality added to the everyday responsibilities that the peace that calls to us can be hard to pause for. But what if we did? What does that look like—that pause? For me, it can mean closing my laptop and sitting with the Lord. Peaceful Christmas music playing softly in the background, I hear Him calling and from my couch, snuggled with a sleeping child, white lights twinkling from that tree, I pause. We walk heart in heart, Jesus and I, perhaps down memory lane, talking through all the thoughts swirling around in my head and heart, and he shows me all the ways He has loved me through the Christmases.

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Advent  |  Catholic Momcast  |  Podcast

Catholic Momcast Podcast: Advent with the Catholic Mom Team

The Catholic Mom Team gets together to share their Advent traditions and new practices. The dive into Advent practice successes and failures, favorite memories, and how not to jump right into Christmas, plus so much more!

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Advent  |  Advent calendar  |  Family Fun  |  family prayer  |  how to pray the rosary

Welcoming Prayer into Our Advent Season

During the time between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day, prayer tends to get lost in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. Our to-do lists seem endless, and we feel the pinch of the shortness of time even more during the Advent and Christmas seasons. Families rush the Advent season to hasten in Christmas long before our calendars reach the 24th of December. Advent and Christmas, like the season of Lent, are profound moments in our Liturgical Calendar where the first movement of our hearts should be toward our Lord, especially when we encounter Him through prayer.

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Blog Feature

Catholic Faith  |  Grandpa's Garden  |  Thanksgiving  |  catholic family life

Grandpa's Garden: Heartfelt Thanks

Most of the leaves have fallen from the trees in this autumnal region. It’s easier to see the sky, the stars at night, the distant woodland, and to feel the sun’s waning warmth. Seasonal changes draw us into life’s evolving rhythms, schemes of color, and declining daylight hours. We adjust our perspective on the ever-changing natural world.

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Blog Feature

Advent  |  Advent calendar  |  Catholic Family Fun  |  family life

Welcoming Jesus into Our Hearts and Homes

As we approach the joyous season of Advent, it’s a time for us to prepare our hearts and homes for the coming of Christ. Advent is a season of anticipation, hope, and joy, with many ways we can immerse ourselves in the true reason for the season. This year, Catholic Mom and Family Rosary are excited to introduce several engaging activities to help you and your family make the most of this sacred time, including the SnapAdvent Instagram Photo Challenge, our new interactive Advent Calendar (with three ways to use it), an Advent Playlist on Spotify, and a collection of inspiring eBooks.

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Holy lives of inspiration  |  Learn more about our faith

A Call to Courage - Weekday Homily Video

The Nicene Creed, which we pronounce on Sundays during the Mass or on other solemnities, is also called the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed. This Creed is a deep and powerful statement of Christian faith. It is accepted by Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, and some Protestant churches. This Creed was created and adopted at the First Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. The council wasn’t just a gathering of scholars debating theology; it was a holy assembly of people who had suffered greatly for their faith. Many of the approximately 318 bishops present bore the marks of intense persecution—missing eyes, maimed hands, or limping from injuries inflicted during the reigns of emperors Diocletian and Maximian. These visible scars led Theodoret, an ancient writer, to describe the council as “an assembled living army of martyrs.”

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