World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

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Multiplying Grace - Weekday Homily Video

Friends, in the next few days, we will close another year of grace. With the Solemnity of Christ the King and Thanksgiving, families and individuals look forward to summarizing our lives before the Lord. In Jesus’ Gospel parable, He reminds us of God's grace entrusted to us in faith and challenges us to risk multiplying that grace in the time allotted to us on earth.

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Watching for Christ - Weekday Homily Video

Yesterday, I was shocked to learn that a week from Thursday is Thanksgiving Day! One clue that we are well into November is the readings for the Mass. Once you get to the Book of Revelation it’s a sure sign we’re heading toward the end of Ordinary Time.

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Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.

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Shout to the Lord - Weekday Homily Video

Shouting is one of the most instinctive ways we express ourselves—to get someone's attention, share our excitement, or demand action. We shout warnings like, "Watch out!" or cheer joyfully when our team scores, "Yes!" It's natural, spontaneous, and often uncontrollable. Think about those moments when you're at a wedding and hear, "I now present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Jones!" The joy bubbles over, and you can't help but clap and cheer. Or the bittersweet tension of holding back a shout when your child's name is called at a graduation ceremony, and everyone has been asked to keep silent until the end.

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Celebrations  |  Family Time  |  Thanksgiving  |  prayer

Two Simple Steps to Your Best Thanksgiving

Do you want to trade in the cultural stressed-out, food frenzy and instead experience Thanksgiving (and the surrounding days) as God intended? If so, I invite you to try out the two steps I use to create a simple yet celebratory Thanksgiving! Below, I’ve outlined my own Thanksgiving plan (which includes a three-day stay at my parents' home with my husband and two teenage sons) that you can use to create the kind of holiday you actually look forward to.

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Thanksgiving  |  The Sacraments  |  catholic family life  |  family prayer

Thanksgiving Every Day

My elementary and preschool-aged children have enjoyed making a construction paper chain full of things we are thankful for this month as we approach Thanksgiving. We have discussed the pilgrims and Native Americans in our homeschool lessons, and they look forward to traveling to visit relatives later this week. It's fun to cultivate holiday traditions with young children and to teach them to count their blessings at Thanksgiving. But how do we teach them gratitude beyond Thanksgiving day? How do we shape their hearts to cultivate gratitude for what they have when the stores are bursting with Christmas gifts they think they "need"? Here are four ways to help your families make thankfulness a habit when the pumpkin pie is long gone! When you're finished reading, we'd love to hear some of your own ideas in the comments!

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Catholic Family Fun  |  family prayer  |  pray the rosary

A Must-Do with the Kids: A Rosary with Donuts

Getting kids to sit down and recite a whole Rosary is not always met with cheers and delight, as much as I wish that were the case. If I am telling the truth, I am sometimes met with groans and eye rolls alike. But when you lay out a donut Rosary, suddenly your kids are rallying to lead more prayers than their siblings. There’s nothing complex about the Donut Rosary. The cross can be a construction paper cutout, or you can make a cross with donut holes. The Our Father and Glory Be prayers should be regular-sized donuts — whoever leads the longer prayers and Scripture verse for the Mystery gets a “big donut.” The Hail Marys should be donut holes — make a decade one flavor or mix them up. After you say your prayer or prayers, you get to eat the donut(s). You will be amazed at the complaints about how unfair it was that Sister 1 got to lead more prayers than Sister 2 —haha!

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