World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
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Today’s readings are remarkable. First, there is the majestic and supernatural imagery of the first reading from Daniel, which prefigures Jesus’ Transfiguration. Then there’s Saint Peter’s eyewitness account of the majesty of God revealed in Jesus in our second reading and described in the Gospel of Mark.
Holy lives of inspiration | Learn more about our faith
If you have ever visited Rome and had a Catholic tour guide, you most likely were taken to the Basilica of St. Mary Major, whose dedication we celebrate today. If you haven’t been, I’d highly recommend it. It is a beautiful and grand basilica dedicated to honor our Blessed Mother. The original basilica was built in the fourth century under Pope Liberius and was named after him. However, after the council of Ephesus proclaimed Mary, the Mother of God, the basilica was repaired and reconsecrated to honor the Blessed Mother. It is called “major”…is because it is the oldest and largest church in Rome dedicated to Our Lady.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
Daily Gospel Reflections | Scripture | family prayer | power of prayer
In many ways, learning to listen for God’s voice is like trying to get a good phone signal. Again and again, God reaches out to us asking patiently, “Can you hear me now?” Our response might be a robust “Yes, Lord! Your servant is listening.” Or there may be no response at all because we’ve become deaf to His voice. But no matter our response, God doesn’t give up. He continues asking us, “Can you hear me now?”
Catholicism | family prayer | pray the rosary
If there were a show of hands of those who get distracted while they pray the Rosary, mine would be the first to go up. I often need to stop to refocus because I’ve lost my place or have gotten distracted. Even with the challenge to stay focused, I don’t plan to give up the Rosary because it has been a life preserver of grace.
Learn more about our faith | Why pray?
Today's Mass readings offer a profound message of hope and reassurance, especially for our families. They remind us of a fundamental truth: God's love for us is unwavering and unconditional. It's a love that never falters, even when we stumble or stray. God's mercy remains steadfast, always inviting us back into His loving embrace.
Matthew 13:47-53 is depicted in a compelling scene in the series “The Chosen.” In it, Jesus teaches his disciples along the shore, with Simon Peter, a fisherman, in his boat. Peter listens and realizes that one day, he, like the fish, will be judged by God. You can see the look on Peter’s face as he reflects on his life, and how it is not where it should be in relation to God and others.