World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
The-Rosary-In-Our-Hands | family prayer
As an adult convert, one of the most thrilling and surprising aspects of Catholicism is the enjoyment I experience from practicing and learning about my faith. It’s like an infinite spiritual playground that continues to evolve and unfold, which leads to deeper and more profound personal experiences. The Rosary has been one of those growing spiritual journeys for me (and maybe for you, too). Until a few years ago, my perception of the Rosary was that praying it was what “good Catholics” did. So I did, too; I prayed the Rosary with a group, but rarely on my own. Just as Mary draws us closer to herself and her Son, she has worked her motherly “magic” on me, too! I’ve been praying it nearly every day over the last six months, which is a miracle for this girl who has a tendency to think, “I don’t have enough time.”
Jesus reminds us that God's kingdom is like a mustard seed or yeast – small beginnings with incredible power to transform. True transformation starts within, in our hearts, where faith, like a tiny seed, grows into something extraordinary with God's grace.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
The-Rosary-In-Our-Hands | family prayer
My dad was the first person to teach me to pray. As a little girl, I remember him kneeling next to my bedside, showing me the Sign of the Cross, and reciting our prayers. As a child, I didn’t see him much; he worked a lot to provide for our family. In my early adulthood, we didn’t always get along due to his vocal opinions. I came to see him as this loud, rigid man. I loved him but didn’t always like him. Both headstrong and controlling, there were power clashes between us, yet his Catholic faith was strong and never shaken.
Holy lives of inspiration | Why pray?
Most people delight in a garden full of flowers, which consists of various flowers, each with different colors, sizes, and shapes. Some flowers capture our attention more than others, while some escape our notice. However, this in no way diminishes their relevance or importance. Each flower has its own unique beauty and attraction. Similarly, Jesus, in His ministry, chose twelve apostles. Just like the flowers in a garden, some apostles are more well-known, while others tend to escape our attention. However, their significance remains equal. Each apostle has their specialty and contribution to the mission of Christ.
The-Rosary-In-Our-Hands | family prayer
During my freshman year of college, I was thinking about joining a particular household. At the Franciscan University of Steubenville, “households” are like Catholic fraternities and sororities. One of the regular commitments of this household was a Sunday evening Rosary. Let me paint the picture for you. Twenty college-age guys sitting comfortably on couches and chairs in a nice warm room praying a very repetitive devotion late at night. Someone was bound to fall asleep. On this occasion, someone did. Somewhere around the third Glorious Mystery, a good friend of mine started to nod and snap back. Nod and snap back. And then, after a valiant struggle, just nod. Everyone else in the room seemed to silently acknowledge that our friend was, shall we say, no longer with us.
Catholic Faith | Month of the Rosary | praying the Rosary
Gifts clear the way for people. (Proverbs 18:16a) As I drove Sister Beata of the Sisters of Life to Boston’s Logan airport it was a perfect time for us to hold a conversation. "Tell me," I asked, “in your work with expectant mothers, what's the key to truly encouraging them?" Sister Beata smiled, "We help them find their 'love gift.’” A love gift, she explained, is the way you show your love. "It's the unique way each of us shows love to the world. Think of it as your spiritual superpower — the special way God designed you to give and receive love."