World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
Mary Pedersen discusses the challenge of Lent in a difficult time: a call to return to God and a new way of being.
If you look at the title of today’s feast day, it might seem unusual. Why should we be celebrating The Chair of St. Peter …? Sure, St. Peter makes sense, but his chair …?
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
Today’s Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter is an occasion to give thanks for the office conferred on our saint and passed to his successors. Such a movement of gratitude leads us, naturally, to give thanks for the role of this office in safeguarding the deposit of faith and for the Church commissioned with communicating this faith to the ends of the earth.
As we begin Lent, Monica Portogallo discusses how adjusting obstacles and addressing motivation can facilitate spiritual growth.
Seasonal Reflections | Why pray?
Penitence is really about conversion. We are turning towards the Lord and away from what is harmful and sinful. The three disciplines of Lent - fasting, almsgiving, and prayer - are to help us leave behind what separates us from God.
“It’s Ash Wednesday. It’s cold. It’s February, but Ash Wednesday is the beginning of the great season of Lent. It’s climbing a mountain from this point all the way to the mountaintop at Easter. In order to get there, what do you need … well, we need to fast, pray, give alms … and I would say, we need GRIT as well …”