World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
Return to the Church | Why pray?
On a winter evening, a pastor and a member of his parish were sitting beside a fireplace chatting about life. The pastor was trying to interest the parishioner in giving his spiritual life a higher priority. The man insisted he could be a good person without the mass and other requirements of the Church...
When you hear the parable of the king and the servants, which servant do you think you’d be? I think many would say the second one. It’s a safe place to be ... not overconfident but also not the one who did nothing and was punished. None of us wants to think we’d be the servant who merely preserved what was given to him.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
God wants us to know that He, and His Holy Presence, fills the whole universe. He is love, and He wants to transform our hearts so we can love him back!
Why pray for the dead? Can we really help them with our prayers? Is there any warrant for this in the Word of God? Isn’t the final decision about eternal life made at the judgment each person will undergo at the time of death?
Today’s Gospel reading reminds me of a riddle we used to ask kids.
There are stories about our ancestors in the faith that are important for us to hear over and over again, because they affirm the truth of what Jesus said today in the gospel: that the Kingdom of God is among us and that Christ continues to suffer and be rejected.