World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

Blog Feature

Catholic Faith  |  Marian devotion  |  Nativity of Mary

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary: All Human Life is a Gift

Last year, the staff at the Father Peyton Center organized and celebrated a small and beautiful surprise birthday party for me. We were all together in the same space. It was a wonderful time—there was cake, donuts, and drinks; everyone was relaxing and laughing. In addition, I got all sorts of messages from around the world. When we celebrate birthdays, we offer a prayer of thanksgiving to God for the gift of the life of the person whose birthday we celebrate. We tell God that we don't take the gift of that person's life lightly, that we are grateful for it, and that we deeply value it.

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Blog Feature

Grandpa's Garden  |  catholic family life  |  prayer life

Grandpa's Garden: Ways To Learn

In this region, the new school year has begun. I’ve been thinking about the young people who are adjusting to new schools, classmates, teachers, and curriculum. Times of adjustment can feel disorienting. After a few weeks, everything will seem routine. New friendships will form, the rhythm of classes will evolve, and interest in athletics and other activities will come to life. Everything will progress into learning about oneself, exploring an ever-expanding world, and acquiring life’s wisdom.

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Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.

Blog Feature

Love thy Neighbor  |  Why pray?

God's Diverse Ways - Weekday Homily Video

Have you ever lived with someone who thinks there is only one way, one style, one method of doing something - and that one method is what they are familiar with? Jesus in our gospel today is dealing with a similar situation. The Pharisees and Scribes confronted him about why his disciples didn’t follow the devotional practices that everyone else followed. To them, there was one road to holiness and his disciples weren’t following that path, and that was a huge problem!

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Blog Feature

Love thy Neighbor  |  Why pray?

Trusting God's Abundance in Our Families - Weekday Homily Video

In Luke's Gospel, we witness the transformative power of trust and faith. Weary from a fruitless night of fishing, Simon Peter encounters Jesus and, despite his exhaustion, chooses to obey. He lowers his nets once more, and the miraculous catch that follows changes his life forever. Like Simon Peter, we, too, experience moments of weariness and discouragement in our family lives. We strive to nurture strong relationships, guide our children, and maintain love in our marriages, yet sometimes it feels like we are casting our nets into an empty sea.

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Blog Feature

Learn more about our faith

Jesus' Healing Ministry - Weekday Homily Video

Dealing with a severe or long-term illness can be incredibly isolating. Despite the support of loved ones and caregivers, it's common to feel alone and confined to our world, often limited to our room, bed, or even our own body. One of the most challenging aspects of being ill is the feeling that no one truly comprehends what we're going through. It's understandable why those dealing with severe or chronic illnesses can struggle to maintain hope.

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Blog Feature

Holy lives of inspiration  |  Learn more about our faith

Being Spiritual…And All That It Means - Weekday Homily Video

When I thought and prayed about today’s readings, two bullet points came to mind. The first is that we are spiritual men and women and boys and girls. The second is that we have a Savior who has come to set us free from the power of evil and redeem us. To the first point, you may have had a conversation with someone who says they don’t go to church, but they’re “spiritual.” On one hand, you might feel badly that they are not connected to their parish or yours…and all that it offers. But there’s reason for hope.

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