World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
Lent activities | catholic devotions | family prayer
The other day at the gym, I was pushing myself hard. It was a kickboxing class that day (my favorite), and I challenged myself to really jump during my kicks. I was happy with my ability to do what I thought was challenging until I returned to the beginning of the line. That’s when another woman approached me and gently told me that the combination we had just done caused her to twist her ankle back when I first joined the gym. She wanted to warn me to just be careful, and I was instantly humbled. Here I was, letting pride get the best of me instead of thinking about the consequence of injury from getting too comfortable in my jumps. The embarrassing part is that it has happened to me before; I fell one day during a jump and rolled my ankle. I was lucky enough that I didn’t injure it and could get back up and continue with the class. But I should have let that instance be a reminder to slow down.
catholic devotions | family blessing | spiritual benefits of the rosary
To encourage you (and your family) to embrace this powerful prayer devotion, Catholic Mom and Family Rosary shared 31 unique personal accounts of having “the Rosary in our hands” in a special series last fall. We've compiled several of our favorites into a free ebook for you to enjoy and share.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
Christmas Season | Family Fun | catholic devotions | celebrating Christmas
The world will be taking down decorations in a week, but we Catholics will just be getting started celebrating Christmas! Did you know the Church season of Christmas lasts from December 25th all the way through January 8th, the Sunday of the feast of Epiphany? We have over two weeks of celebrating the wild and wonderful gift of a God who wrapped Himself in flesh to come and save us. Here are five ways your family can keep the spirit of Christmas alive through the entire Christmas Season this year!
catholic devotions | family prayer | how to pray the rosary | pray the rosary
While prayer may not change our circumstances, it will often change our hearts. It brings us closer to God, allowing Him to comfort us, guide us, and occasionally reveal His will for us. At the very least, communication with God always brings peace. The Catholic faith offers many beautiful devotions, each able to reach the faithful, who come to prayer with many different communication styles. God created each of us to be unique and unrepeatable; therefore, it stands to reason that He would provide many ways to communicate with Him.