World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

Blog Feature

Seasonal Reflections  |  Strengthening family unity

Sanctuaries of Faith - Weekday Homily Video

Imagine your family as a garden. Sunlight streams through the windows, warming the soil where seeds of love, trust, and forgiveness have been planted. But remember, these seeds won't sprout overnight. Just like rain patiently nourishes the earth, God's love works steadily within our families, coaxing our relationships to blossom in their own time.

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Blog Feature

Lenten plans  |  family prayer  |  rosary

The Give and Take of Lenten Goals

Every month, I set goals for myself. Sitting down and writing out what I want to accomplish focuses me and helps me to juggle the various aspects of my life—one step in moving toward an often elusive work-life blend. Often, I overshoot. Sometimes, the balls I'm juggling all come crashing to the ground.

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Subscribe to the Family Rosary Blog

Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.

Blog Feature

Lent activities  |  Lenten Devotions  |  family prayer

Made for Heaven: First Week of Lent

On the first Sunday of Lent, we hear the story of Jesus’ temptation in the desert. Fr. Agustino explains that Jesus went into the desert to heal what took place in the garden with Adam and Eve. Our own journey into the desert this Lent in which we offer our prayers, sacrifices, and offerings is to redeem those parts within us that are in need of redemption. What do you need to be freed from this Lent?

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Blog Feature

Celebrating family life  |  Lenten Reflections  |  family prayer

A Sweet Visitation

New life is abundant in the springtime. Newborn fawns, little bunnies, and fresh white lambs seem to suddenly appear. As much as it may be anticipated each year, the charm of ducklings in a row, flowers adorning even the trees, and the birdsong's beauty are always more magical than remembered from the spring before.

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Blog Feature

Love thy Neighbor

Practicing the Faith We Profess - Weekly Homily Blog

The three main pillars of Lent are prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Today’s first reading from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah teaches us about the kind of fasting that the Lord honors. In the reading, the Lord speaking through the Prophet Isaiah says that if you fast yet at the same time go on and mistreat your workers, underpay them, quarrel, gossip about others, fight other people – what kind of fast is that? How do you expect Me to honor your fast?

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Blog Feature

Celebrating family life

Realizing Lent

One of our grandsons is preparing for First Communion and recently practiced for first reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. With just a little humor, I asked his parent if the young one had been “repentant” during the practice. I was told that it was “just practice.” I wonder what a seven-year-old understands by repentance and reconciliation. At seven, we all knew what it was to hurt, feel guilt, be alone, or wish we hadn’t done or said something. We understood the need for healing and to have friendship restored.

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