Prayers for Family

World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

Blog Feature

Blessed Virgin Mary  |  Celebrating Marian feasts  |  New Year  |  pray the rosary

Why Celebrate Mary, Mother of God?

Today, on the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God, let us honor the Blessed Mother by attending Mass and offering a Rosary, especially as a family. Mary's fiat, her "yes" to God’s plan to bear and give birth to our Savior, Jesus, inspires us to embrace faith and trust in God as we begin the new year. The Glorious Mysteries, which include Mary's Assumption and Coronation, are recited on Wednesdays. All the more reason to set aside time to celebrate this special day with the Rosary, even if it’s just two decades. Swipe through the images to learn more about Mary, Mother of God. Then, click the button below the carousel to pray and meditate on the Glorious Mysteries along with inspiring and stunning classical art.

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Blog Feature

Blessed Mother  |  Celebrating Marian feasts  |  Christmas Season  |  family prayer

Most Holy Mother of God

Each year, on January 1, in addition to welcoming another year, the Catholic Church celebrates the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God. If unfamiliar with the phrase, ‘Mother of God,’ it would seem to imply some supernatural or divine being. It seems a little daunting to imagine ‘Mother of God.’ Perhaps the title brings to mind some supremely far away, celestial, or an unreachable person. However, in truth, the ‘Mother of God’ refers to Mary, the young girl from Nazareth, who, by her Fiat, brought to the world the Incarnation of God, Jesus... The title “Mother of God” is a Western derivation from the Greek “Theotokos,” which means “God-bearer.” This important title, which proclaims Mary’s divine motherhood, was proclaimed at the Council of Ephesus in 431. The foundation is based on the understanding that Mary is the mother of Jesus, whom we believe to be God. She would then be the Mother of God.

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Blog Feature

Blessed Virgin Mary  |  Celebrating Marian feasts  |  Nativity of Mary

Honoring the Birth of Mary

Mary’s birth is not recorded in the Bible. What we celebrate on September 8th each year is not Mary’s birthday in the traditional sense, but we honor the blessing of her being born. The word nativity refers to the circumstance or occasion of one being born. We honor the Nativity of Jesus, celebrated on December 25th, the date nine months after the celebration of the visit of the angel Gabriel at the Annunciation. In a similar way, we remember Mary´s nativity, coming exactly nine months following the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, the December 8th Solemnity, when we commemorate Mary’s gift of prevenient grace, allowing her to be born without Original Sin.

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Blog Feature

Blessed Virgin Mary  |  Celebrating Marian feasts  |  Nativity of Mary

The Nativity of Mary

Mary’s birth is not recorded in the Bible. What we celebrate on September 8th each year is not Mary’s birthday in the traditional sense, but we honor the blessing of her being born. The word nativity refers to the circumstance or occasion of one being born. We honor the Nativity of Jesus, celebrated on December 25th, the date nine months after the celebration of the visit of the angel, Gabriel at the Annunciation. In a similar way, we remember Mary´s nativity, coming exactly nine months following the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, the December 8th Solemnity when we commemorate Mary’s gift of prevenient grace allowing her to be born without Original Sin.

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Blog Feature

Assumption  |  Blessed Virgin Mary  |  Celebrating Marian feasts

The Assumption of Mary: Visions of Creation and New Creation

We kayaked across Yellowstone’s Lewis Lake, up the Lewis River and halfway across Shoshone Lake to the campsite. Stepping out, stepping back, a different perspective unfolded as we celebrated the Eucharist on the shore. This gaze opened into infinity, finding and awakening vision: the faculty to be able to see and to understand, where sometimes only nature can reawaken this sense. At the same time, the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, August 15, in a similar and complementary way awakens our vision, yet with even greater clarity and depth.

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Blog Feature

Assumption  |  Catholic Family Fun  |  Celebrating Marian feasts

Celebrating the Assumption of Mary as a Family

Some days in the Liturgical season, by their cultural and religious nature, lend themselves more towards celebrating, such as Christmas and Easter, than others. However, it seems a missed opportunity not to find some way to acknowledge, and yes celebrate, every Solemnity, Memorial, or Feast in the Catholic Church. For families, feast days can offer beautiful teachable moments, special time set apart for living our faith, and even the creation of lifetime memories. This month, the Church will celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on August 15, commemorating the entry of Mary into heaven—body and soul. The Assumption falls into the category of “Solemnity,” which means it is among the highest rank feast days celebrating a mystery of faith.

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