World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
You’re not the only one losing the way on your relentless quest for goodness.
We can transform our lives with a little positive persistence just like Saint John Vianney did.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
acceptance | neighbor | peace
What do swimming lessons have to do with the sanctity of life?
acceptance | grace | trust
The road can be narrow, constricted and rocky … still Jesus asks us to follow.
acceptance | forgiveness | peace
There is no greater commandment than “you shall love your neighbor as yourself” but the Gospel today tells us to “love our neighbors and our enemies.”
Today’s readings invite us to search for the risen Lord. When we recognize Him, we will go on to lead transformed lives!