World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
Catholic Schools Week | Family Activities | Try Prayer! It Works!
Inspired by the founder of Family Rosary, Venerable Patrick Peyton, the Try Prayer! It Works! Contest focuses on Father Peyton’s message: “The Family that Prays Together Stays Together.” In an effort to find enriching, reflective, and interactive ways to strengthen family prayer in our homes, we’ve created a family-faith experience. Our mission at Family Rosary USA is to help families pray. We strive to bring the Catholic Church’s teachings to life around the dinner table, family time, or even your daily commute with discussion prompts, reflection questions, prayer ideas, and creativity. Together, welcome the Trinity along with the Blessed Virgin Mary into your family life and let them inspire you in writing, artwork, or video production.