World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
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Here in my hand is an ordinary acorn. Within this small acorn are all the makings of a mighty oak tree. It just needs time, sunlight, water, and earth to grow gradually into a mighty oak. What has happened here in the Northeast of the United States in the last few days? Strong winds and rains have wreaked havoc upon homes and roadways with uprooting trees and snapping branches and causing hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses to lose power. I hope you notice that very few oak trees have been toppled.
The Apostles Simon and Jude: these guys were on fire! We don’t know much about them. They are paired together in one feast because after Pentecost they evangelized as a team. Maybe they seem to be in the sidelines because each shares his name with other apostles who seem to get more attention.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
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A story is told of a young boy in an Israeli airport who ran ahead of his father, and when the father caught up with him, he scolded his son. The father reminded the son that even though the father’s tone was severe he was still to address him as 'Abba,' using a word of respect that has come down to us this day; as a word of authority, intimacy.
Do not be afraid. Open wide the doors to Christ! These words with which Saint John Paul II took the chair of Saint Peter on this day, Oct 22, 1978 still resounds in our ears and our hearts.
In the Bible, fire is often used to describe God’s burning love for humanity. The fire Jesus has come to bring is the fire of love, the fire of hope, the fire of faith, and the fire of justice. He is not bringing the fire of violence! Jesus’ words are much bolder and more powerful than violence, they are the fire of the Kingdom of God breaking into our world.
I’m always intrigued by what comes to mind when I begin to reflect on the Scriptures and prepare a homily. Sometimes it is a memorable commercial. Capital One a bank uses the catchy phrase, "What's in your wallet?"