World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
In the mind of Jesus, a house of prayer provided a unique meeting place for God and us. What about our houses?
I’d have to say that the Annunciation is my favorite Mystery of the Rosary, in the sense that, whatever be the Mysteries of the Rosary for the day – like today, Tuesday, we pray the Sorrowful Mysteries – I try to meditate on the Annunciation too. For example, when I go jogging in the morning, immersed in the beauty of creation, I like to put myself in that moment of the beginning of the New Creation when the Angel Gabriel came to the young Mary.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
The Scriptures today address a subject that may not be on the minds of a whole lot of people, but some may be curious about trying to time the end time or when do we think death will happen. For the early Christians this was a real concern. The asked, when could we expect Jesus to return, the Second coming and judge us? They wanted to know to be prepared. Both Scripture readings today contribute some helpful thoughts on this subject.
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Jesus, when can we expect the Kingdom of God to come? What is this Kingdom of God that You talked about? We don’t understand it. Can we see it? Maybe we just need to look around us. People still ask that question and Jesus is still telling us that it is among us. No one will announce its coming - because it is right before your eyes.
Father Norris Clark, A Jesuit priest from Fordham traveled to India to visit a Buddhist Monastery. During his visit, the abbot invited him to a meeting with several of the monks who spoke English. The Abbot said, "Obviously our two religions are very different but similar in their roots, in the depths of their essence."
I hope and pray you love your parish Church! I hope it’s a beautiful space and that you feel at home there. As restrictions are lifting, we all should be going back to Sunday Masses in our parishes in as much as one can safely go. Some places this may not be possible yet, and for some people it still may not be safe. Our local parish churches should be beautiful…I don’t mean lavish or luxurious, but rather places of peace for celebrating the Eucharist and the Sacrifice of the New and Eternal Covenant.