World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
family life | patron saints | praying for your family
Back-to-school time is just around the corner and despite your feelings about it (euphoria or dread), you’d better be ready! Below are a few heavenly friends to turn to as you prepare your family for the start of the school year. First, and arguably most important: St. Drogo, patron of coffee and sure intercessor for your energy levels.
Daily Family Prayer | power of prayer | praying for your family
I’ve had the privilege of spending the last seven weeks participating in a prayer group called "Invitation to Personal Prayer." I knew I had a prayer life, but honestly, I’ve spent so many of the last survival parenting years as a “desperate” pray-er, (if that’s a word). My morning prayer times came seldom and far between, because I couldn’t get up any earlier than my children, so my prayers came during the day in small desperate pleas for the Lord to help me put out whatever fire was currently underway.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
family prayer | litany | praying for your family
When I became Catholic, the lives of the saints were a rich treasure trove of interest and hope for me. I was blown away by these small, yet holy lives. These were real people that I could relate to and love and ask to pray for me! I love to encourage my family’s devotion to the saints. One way to encourage this devotion is to write a litany of the saints for your family.
pray the rosary | praying for your family
"You have your own basketball team," many people said when our fifth daughter was born. My Spiritual Director instead saw—one child for each decade of the Rosary. I loved that concept as soon as the words came out of his mouth. So, I committed to praying a Rosary every day, and toward the end of the year when reflecting on what faith-based intentions I wanted to have set for life vs. variable, I was not sure where the Rosary fit. The next year, the practice slipped away. I still prayed the Rosary sometimes, but it was sporadic as I no longer viewed it as a daily commitment. However, often when I prayed the Rosary, I thought about how I missed it.