World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
Many young Indians, especially from the IT field, immigrate to the US and other countries in search of jobs and to build a bright future. But a few young Indians leave their high-profile jobs in multinational companies abroad and return to India to take up something creative and fulfilling.
Strengthening family unity | Why pray?
Saint Matthew’s emphasis on Jesus' wondrous deeds enables him to reveal Jesus’ true Messianic identity. In the Old Testament, Moses commanded the sea with his rod; Joshua with the Ark of the Covenant; Elisha with the prophet's mantle, but Jesus calms the Sea of Galilee with His Word.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
Holy lives of inspiration | Why pray?
Today’s readings are a great way to round out our weekday Masses. In the reading from the Book of Exodus, we have a recap from Moses of all God has done for the Israelites; everything from hearing the voice of God speaking from a fire to leading them out of slavery in Egypt to overcoming mightier nations so that they may have their own land. Moses reminds them so that they will fix and know in their heart that the Lord is God of heaven and earth and that there is no other.
Holy lives of inspiration | Why pray?
Last night, Fr. Willy, Fr. Leo, and I went to St. Mary’s in Mansfield for a Knights of Columbus-sponsored BBQ and family movie night. The adults watched the film, “Pray,” the life story of Venerable Patrick Peyton. Although we’ve seen the film several times, we all came away with new insights about Father Peyton’s ministry to promote family prayer, especially the Rosary.
Here are some questions to ponder: What is the only real failure in life? What is the only real sadness in life? What is the only real tragedy in life? Think about that. So many things that we fret about, worry about, or fear, are temporary, fleeting, and not of eternal value. They are passing. The one real tragedy in life is not to be a saint.
Holy lives of inspiration | Why pray?
Growing up, once in a while, I’d hear my Mom or Dad utter the words, “God help me, David.” After reflecting on today’s reading from the Book of Numbers, I’d have to imagine my parents, with countless mothers and fathers worldwide, have shared this kind of declaration-prayer along with Moses.