World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

Blog Feature

Why pray?

Praying for Others - Family Reflection Video

Let me share a few innocent and realistic prayers of little children. Dear God: Send Mommy a new baby. The baby you sent last week cries too much. How many angels live in Heaven? I want to be the first kid in my class to figure out the answer. Please help me in school. I need help in spelling, adding, history, geography, and writing. Are there any helpers in heaven? When I have summer vacation, I'd like to be one of your helpers in heaven. My birthday is tomorrow. Can you put a rainbow in the sky? I need an increase in my allowance. Would one of your angels be able to tell my dad about it? Sincere and innocent prayers.

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Blog Feature

Why pray?

Passing the Torch - Family Reflection Video

Are you familiar with the phrase, “passing the torch”? Reading and reflecting on Paul’s address and Jesus’ prayer to the Father led me to see how Jesus and Paul were preparing their listeners to carry on the mission. Or as some would say, “they were passing the torch.” (Which by the way, is lit and burns, radiating light for us to see the way.)

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Blog Feature

Holy lives of inspiration  |  Why pray?

God Writes Straight with Crooked Lines – Family Reflection Video

Over 15 years ago, a television series named Prison Break was quite famous. It grabbed my attention and kept me fully engaged, season after season. Today's first reading has a perfect setting of a prison break. But reflecting deeper on it will tell us that it is not really about a prison break.

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Blog Feature

Holy lives of inspiration  |  Why pray?

Listen and Welcome with an Open Heart – Family Reflection Video

Today’s reading from the Acts of the Apostles is a reminder of the important role that wives and mothers, grandmothers, and aunts play in our families, as demonstrated by Lydia, who listened to Paul after the Lord opened her heart. I love how the reading begins as if one of the Apostles is writing home to us, describing that they

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Blog Feature

Why pray?

The True Vine - Family Reflection Video

Different countries around the world have different animals or plants as their national symbols. The United States has the bald eagle – a symbol of strength, courage, immortality, and freedom. India has the peacock as its national bird – a symbol of grace and beauty. Haiti has the hibiscus as its national flower – a symbol of beauty and culture. Bangladesh has the water lily as its national flower – a symbol of birth, resurrection, purity, and majesty.

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Blog Feature

Why pray?

My Peace I Give to You - Family Reflection Video

Recently, I’ve been hearing from people that they’d like to experience peace in their families, themselves, and their communities. It seems like, as a whole, we’re pretty wound up. I am sure you could tell me plenty of reasons for it: driving a car pretty much anywhere, the constant bombardment by alerts on our phones, and the use of phones and tablets as on-demand news and social media sources.

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