World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

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Holy lives of inspiration  |  Why pray?

Trusting in the Goodness of God - Family Reflection Video

The Book of Job selection in today's readings consists of an exchange between God and the devil. Satan contended that Job was only loyal and faithful because God showered Job with good things, such as his children, property, and animals. Satan challenged God to take these blessings away from Job to see if that would cause him to turn away from God. We witnessed Job grieve over his losses, yet he did not turn his back on God; instead, ever faithful, from his mouth comes, "The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD!"

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Blog Feature

Love thy Neighbor  |  Why pray?

In Every Age Lord, You Have Been Our Refuge - Family ReflectionVideo

In every age, Lord, you have been our refuge. Fortunately, we had at least one cheerful reminder in the midst of the pessimistic reading from the Book of Ecclesiastes, and the tyrant who beheaded John the Baptist mocked Jesus, had Him dressed in purple, and returned Him to Pilate for condemnation.

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Blog Feature

Why pray?

Called by Name – Family Reflection Video

Jesus went up a mountain and there he stayed the night praying to God. I couldn’t even begin to imagine what this could have been like. Were any words exchanged? Maybe none were needed.

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Blog Feature

Holy lives of inspiration  |  Why pray?

An Exchange Between Peter and Jesus - Family Reflection Video

Put out in the deep waters and lower your nets for a catch. When Jesus told Peter to do this, Peter more or less answered Jesus, saying, “been there, done that.” Peter basically told Jesus that he had tried that before, but it didn’t work. It seems to me that Peter quickly regretted his response and said something like, “well ok, I’ll give it another try.” He gave it another try, and we saw what happened. Peter was taken aback by the number of fish he caught.

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Blog Feature

Holy lives of inspiration  |  Why pray?

Bring Your Family to God: Family Reflection Video

This past week I realized one of my lifetime dreams to visit the famous shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City. During the visit, I was surprised to hear the former Rector of the Shrine tell me that he personally knew Father Peyton and was deeply impressed by Father Peyton’s commitment to help families pray around the world.

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Blog Feature

Learn more about our faith  |  Why pray?

Stay Awake - Family Reflection Video

Today, people stay awake all night for a variety of reasons: in our homes, mothers stay awake with sick children; in workplaces—nurses look after their patients at night, pilots and drivers in public transporting systems work for the wellbeing of society, police and other first responders work for the safety of us and our loved ones. All of these jobs require staying awake, discipline, and sacrifice.

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