Prayers for Family

World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

Allison Auth

Allison Auth is a writer and mother of 5 who lives in Denver and homeschools her kids. She is the author of the book Baby and Beyond: Overcoming Those Post-Childbirth Woes about the physical, mental, and spiritual journey of healing after having a baby. She likes to read, have families over for dinner, and be involved at her parish.

Blog Feature

Catholic Faith  |  family prayer  |  prayer life

Seasons of Prayer

One of the phrases I had to tell myself over and over in the months following the birth of my last baby was, “This is just a phase. I will not be nursing forever; I will sleep again.” I have a tendency to have tunnel vision about whatever difficult moment I am in and feel it will last forever. Stepping back and looking at the big picture has helped me to see that the moment I am in is just a small blip on the radar of my life.

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