Prayers for Family

World at Prayer blog

Reflections of Family and Faith

"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton

AnneMarie Miller

A bibliophile, wife, mother of young children, and lover of the Liturgy, AnneMarie Miller enjoys exploring the manifold—and quirky—ways in which God speaks. She can often be found reading books to her kids, burrowing her toes in the red Oklahoma dirt, or sipping black coffee. Her reflections on Catholicism, literature, and hope can be found on her blog, Sacrifice of Love.

Blog Feature

Catholic Family Fun  |  Daily Family Prayer  |  Family Vacation  |  praying the Rosary

Do You Have a Vacation Prayer Plan?

I love taking trips and exploring new places, but I don’t always love the aftermath: the dirty laundry, settling back into “normal” life after fun adventures on the road, and facing the usual chores of cooking and cleaning once again. Yet what’s even worse is the state of my prayer life. When I prepare for a trip, I pore over maps and itineraries, restaurant choices and activities for hours on end. However, I often assume that prayer will “just happen.” Unfortunately, more times than I can count, this assumption has not held true. Despite my best intentions, my prayer life completely falls aside. In a way, this makes sense: when we take trips -- whether for business or pleasure -- our typical daily routine is lost. If our prayer life is tightly attached to our usual schedule, then losing our routine can easily mean losing our prayer.

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Blog Feature

Parenthood  |  catholic family life  |  family prayer

Learning How to Pray from a Child

“Come, Holy Spirit,” I said as I began a short period of daily personal prayer with my small kids. I closed my eyes, enjoying the momentary silence that fell over the room. Suddenly, I heard my toddler speak. “I’m going to talk to God. God, what do you need?” That simple, heartfelt prayer gripped my heart. Throughout the rest of the day, I continued thinking about this prayer. I marveled at my child’s beautiful simplicity and open vulnerability with God. Throughout Jesus’s public ministry, He looked upon children with love and reverence and held them up as an example: “Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14)

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Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.

Blog Feature

Faith Life  |  family life  |  prayer life

Three Ways to Sanctify Your Work Day

Quite often, we tend to relegate holiness and prayer to priests and those in religious life. We know that all people are called to holiness, but when we spend our days in the office or tackling housework while caring for our children, we can slip into a mindset of, "I'm just a layperson, and I can't spend my days in prayer like nuns, so I can't be that holy." On the contrary, we can draw closer to God as we live out in the world, and we can glorify Him with our lives — and in our work.

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Blog Feature

Behold Your Mother  |  pray the rosary  |  seasons of motherhood

Rosary Reflections for Pregnant Mothers: Fourth Luminous Mystery

Today we will pray the Fourth Luminous Mystery: The Transfiguration.

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Blog Feature

Parenting  |  children at Mass  |  family life

Allowing Toddlers to Wiggle at Mass

I’ve been a Roman Catholic my whole life, and at one point, I absorbed the idea that during Mass, the congregation must be as still as possible—and that moving around would distract all the people nearby. I took this idea to an obsessive extreme, and even worried about exiting and entering the pew at the exact moments when I would be least distracting to others. I was hyper-aware of myself, and worried that if I moved an inch, I’d be completely destroying someone else’s prayer experience.

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Blog Feature

Daily Family Prayer  |  praying the Rosary

When You Don't Feel Like Praying the Rosary

Catholic Mom contributor, AnneMarie Miller, discusses the powerful impact on herself and her family, praying the Rosary has, even when she just doesn't feel like praying it.

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