World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
Holy Women's History Month | Lenten Reflections | catholic mom | women's history month
While growing up, I didn’t give much thought to my last name, Perpetua, other than it was hard for telemarketers to pronounce (they always put the emphasis on the wrong syllable, if they could say it at all) and when the priest chose the long form of the Eucharistic Prayer at Mass, Perpetua was named as part of the Roman Canon, along with Felicity and some others. I knew that Perpetua and Felicity were women saints, and that is where my knowledge began and ended, for many years. It wasn’t until I was an adult and, eventually, a mother that I embraced these heroic Christian martyrs and shared the story of my (and their) eponym with my children. Only then did I begin to fully appreciate their sacrifice. Saints Perpetua and Felicity were young mothers martyred in the early 3rd century. Perpetua was a noblewoman with a young nursing child. Felicity, a slave, was eight months pregnant at the time she, Perpetua, and others were imprisoned. Prefer to Listen—Audio version available!
Behold Your Mother | pray the rosary | seasons of motherhood
Today we will pray the Fourth Glorious Mystery: The Assumption of Mary into Heaven. So much of pregnancy is spent protecting and nourishing our baby’s body. This continues after birth, of course, but during pregnancy, mothers are especially careful of what they eat, drink, inhale, and do in order to protect the growing baby. From cleaning products to alcohol and medicine, our foremost concerns are their effects on the baby in our womb.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
Family Fun | The House That Rob Built | kids in sports
In the early days of the pandemic confinement, I ordered a playground ball. While temperatures outside began to warm and my children were stuck learning behind screens for long hours each day, I dug around the mudroom for chalk and waited on the playground ball to arrive. A Four-Square ball, to be exact.
Carolyn Astfalk offers simple suggestions, including a sweet treat, to foster your family’s devotion to Saint Joseph this year.