World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
CatholicMom | Holy Women's History Month | Lenten Reflections | women's history month
I want to introduce you to Saint Margaret Mary, one of the most remarkable saints the Church has ever known. I admire her deeply because she chose to give her life to Jesus, turning away from the glamour of the world to embrace a life of prayer and devotion as a Visitation Sister. Soon after joining the Order, Jesus chose her as the vessel through which He would reveal the depths of His love — appearing to her with His heart outside His body, engulfed in flames of divine love. Through her writings and the path she laid out in living this devotion, my life has been enriched and blessed in ways I could never have imagined. Prefer to Listen—Audio version available!
Parenthood | family prayer | praying the Rosary
When I hear the words, “Do we have to?” spill out of my children’s mouths, they are often linked with chores, homework, and sometimes even praying the family Rosary. Our house is one of constant motion and lots of frenzy with seven kids that range from preschool to college. I have come to realize that this question of “Do I have to pray?” lingers in all of us. The Rosary is a gift given to us by the very hands of the Blessed Mother to Saint Dominic, yet we can struggle to make time to pray the Rosary regularly.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
Daily Family Prayer | pray the rosary | prayer life
One Sunday morning a few years ago, I believe that the Holy Spirit was speaking through a young Dominican priest when he challenged all of us sitting in the pew to consider reading the last section of the Catechism of the Catholic Church on the topic of prayer. Why had I not done this before? It is like a handbook on deepening and developing a prayer life directly from the Church, and a wealth of insight for us as we live in a society that does not hold Christian prayer in high esteem. When I took the time out to do just that, it seemed like the words jumped right off the page and left me not only inspired but ready to make some real changes in my life. “We must remember God more often than we draw breath. But we can not pray “at all times” if we do not pray at specific times, consciously willing it.” What I came to appreciate was that without Christian prayer in my life, I was far less useful to the Kingdom of God and admittedly I was missing out on the insights and graces God wanted to grant. When we don’t take time out for regular prayer, we cannot see God’s plan for our life. In many ways, it would be like walking around with foggy glasses.
Sacred Heart enthronement | Scripture Study | reading the Bible
St. John the Apostle highlights the Sacred Heart of Christ in his gospel when he relates that he rested his head on the chest of Jesus, after our Savior shared the heartbreaking news of Judas’s betrayal (John 13:23).