World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
The Gospel of Luke is considered the Gospel of women. Luke presents most episodes emphasizing the relationship of Jesus with women. The novelty is not only in the presence of the women around Jesus but also in His attitude concerning them.
As we celebrate today the memorial of St. Monica who was spiritually awake herself but struggled a long time for her son Augustine to awaken him spiritually, Jesus, in today’s Gospel invites us to “stay awake!” Perhaps this profound message is significant today, as we are stressed out by the pandemic. As I navigated through the passage, several thoughts came to my mind: some baffling and mystifying, and some provoking and electrifying. Baffling and mystifying because they nudged and awakened my spiritual vulnerabilities and interior dispositions. Provoking and electrifying because they called me to action to prevent the “thieves” from breaking into my house: my spiritual life.
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
Today, influenced by Christ’s love and mercy, we would not use such blunt language, especially in a worship place. Sadly, at that time, that was the only kind of language that could get the attention of the Israelites.
Like the man in my story, thousands of people today are struggling with separation and isolation.
A gentleman, walking down the streets was watching street kids playing in a field. He was intrigued to see some of them carrying smaller kids on their backs while running after their soccer ball. So, knowing their poor economic background, the gentleman said to one of the guys, “It is too bad that you have to carry a burden even when you play.” “He’s no burden, Sir!” came the answer from one, “he’s my brother.”
Holy lives of inspiration | Strengthening family unity
Once, a passer-by asked a blind boy who was flying a kite, “Hey, do you know where your kite is?” The boy replied, “I cannot see it, but I can feel the tug of the string!” The awareness of the presence of the Divine power in our lives is the same. We may not be able to see but can feel His presence and experience His power and strength!