World at Prayer blog
Reflections of Family and Faith
"The family that prays together stays together." - Venerable Patrick Peyton
When I write, I usually think I am writing to help someone else by sharing my story; however, sometimes when I write a piece I realize that God wanted me to write it as a reminder to myself!
How long is your to-do list? This time of year can bring us to tears, there is so much going on!
Brief and contemporary inspiration focused on hope and family prayer will be delivered to your inbox! Articles include live video, written word, and links to resources that will lead you and your family deeper into faith.
Change showed up at my door one day. Uninvited. I’m not one for mixing things up. My favorite answer to the question, “What’s new?” is “Nothing.” I don’t believe the only constant in life is change, nor do I think that the more things change the more they stay the same. I’m content with my routine. When I want a little variety, I rearrange the furniture or sit in a different chair. I like predictability. I like plans. I do well with a calendar.
Celebrating family life | Seasonal Reflections
Do you believe you are His Glory?
I can certainly attest to the messiness of life. Over the past several weeks, my kids have tossed a stomach bug back and forth between each other. As soon as we’d get one child healthy, another one would fall ill. Rinse. Repeat. As I caught my son’s vomit in my bare hands, I thought to myself, “This is NOT what I signed up for.” Immediately, I regretted thinking that. And deep down I didn’t mean it. But sometimes life as a mom overwhelms me and wrecks me and knocks me to my knees. Sometimes it’s more than I can handle. Through tears of anger and frustration and worry, I cleaned up the mess. I held my sick child, rubbed his sweet face, kissed his feverish head. Of course, I’ll catch their vomit. I’ll clean snot from their faces with nary a Kleenex in sight. I’ll wipe their bottoms with a grin on my face, so long as it means I can feel the warmth of their bodies, hear the beating of their hearts, see the life within them. Their lives are precious. They are precious. But even knowing deep in my bones that life is short and often fragile, I’m still going to lose my temper. I’m still going to get frustrated and irritated and mad. I’m going to complain. That’s life, too. And life is messy. It’s tiring and overwhelming. Our children are going to bicker. We’re going to argue with our husbands. We will have joys and triumphs. We will experience sorrow and setbacks. Sometimes we have to clean up puke or wake up in the middle of the night with a crying child. Sometimes we have to clean up spilled milk or shattered glass. Sometimes we get bruised and broken. Sometimes we must watch the ones we love get their own battle scars. Sometimes we crash and burn. We bleed. We grieve. Our hearts get broken time and time again. Life is messy. But, oh my, how life is beautiful. It’s beautiful when we welcome a baby into the world. When we smell the sweet scent of new life. It’s beautiful when we laugh until our sides ache with the ones we love. It’s beautiful when our dreams come true and even more beautiful when we watch a dream come true for someone we love. When we watch our child sleep. When we stare up at the stars. When we eat ice cream or do a cannonball into the lake on a warm, summer day. It’s beautiful in big moments like graduations, weddings, and vacations. It’s beautiful in the small moments like playing soccer in the backyard, building a tower of blocks in the playroom, and reading a story together on the couch. Too often we forget that our lives are fleeting. We get wrapped up in the messiness. And you know what? It’s okay. It’s okay to be overwhelmed by life. It’s okay to be frustrated when we have to sweep crumbs from the floor (again). It’s okay to be stricken by grief. This may not be the life we “signed up for,” but it’s the only one we have. We must learn to balance the bad alongside the good. We must make peace with our brokenness. We must cling to what is good and beautiful while we wade through the mess. We must recognize and savor those moments when life is suddenly in sweet, slow motion. And in those brief moments, we must clutch our hearts, close our eyes, and remember that life is messy, but beautiful. Life is hard, but worth it.
Seasonal Reflections | Strengthening family unity
“Sweat out the chaos of the season.” That’s what the lady said over the radio...